Beim veröffentlichen der ASF Tour Daten ist uns ein Rennen aufgefallen das zu einer EURO SUP League gehört. Ich habe noch nie etwas davon gehört oder gelesen. Also fragte ich bei der ASF nach und habe prompt eine Antwort bekommen.
Die E.S.L. ist eine Rennserie von Giorgio Magi, dem Veranstalter der Italienischen SUP League. Im erestne Jahr sollen Rennen in Italien, Österreich und Slowenien zur Tour gehören.
Das Rule Book wurde mir ebenfalls zugeschickt welches ich unten in Englisch veröffentliche, beim Durchlesen sind mir aber ein paar Eckpunkte aufgefallen die ich hier auflisten will:
1. Die EURO SUP League ist eine non-profit Organisation mit dem Ziel eine private (?steht so im Wortlaut) SUP Serie zu gründen.
2. Man will den Sport in Europa mittels Inovation und Einbindung in anderen Events weiter verbreiten.
3. Klubs und Organisationen die dazu gehören wollen müssen aus dem Wassersport kommen und einen Mitgliedsbeitrag von EUR 250.- bezahlen
4. Die SUP Rennen werden in Beach Races und Longdistance Klassen unterteilt.
5. Alle Rennen werden auf 14’ gestartet
6. Altersklassen bis Ü 50
Dazu wird es natürlich ein Rankingsystem geben und alles was sonst noch dazu gehört.
Ich versuche ja bei solchen neuen Sachen immer enthusiastisch und neutral zu bleiben, aber es wird langsam echt schwer den Überblick zu behalten. Vielleicht ist es einfach mal Zeit für die „Stand Up Magazin SUP League Euro World Championships Challenge Tour“ Jetzt mal echt…!
Hier alles noch in Englisch:
Rule book 2019
1. Who are
Euro Sup League it’s a non-profit sports association created with the precise aim of creating a private sup circuit. The associations that participate in the Euro Sup League project undertake to respect its mission, operating methods and regulations of this document, operating for their event in total autonomy and responsibility, without reference to anybody or federal office if not to a work group in charge of managing rankings, regulations and calendars.
2. Mission
Our mission is the promotion and diffusion of the sport of stand up paddling in Europe through innovation, integrating this discipline with other sports specialties to create catchy and participated events.
To do this, each association will be free to include in its event any activity that it deems appropriate to promote the event and the sport on its territory, while keeping it as a main event the SUP RACE. Another fundamental objective is to highlight all athletes, none excluded, who will be considered in the European panorama for their value.
3. Adhere to E.S.L
To join E.S.L, are the sports clubs operating in the field of water sports. These associations must compulsorily complete a form for the request for affiliation to E.S.L available in the forms section of the website www. “Undercostruction” .com, and send all the documents requested to the email address of the circuit:
The affiliated club must also pay a membership fee that for the year 2019 has been quantified in 250 euro including: registration for the championship, charges for the creation of the event / race and management of the classification.
The associations will have to independently provide insurance for the event.
Each athlete can participate as an individual competitor to all competitions and events, provided that at the time of registration to the race proves to have a certificate of healthy and robust constitution for amateur events or a sports medical certificate for the competitive categories.
4. Kind of event
Euro Sup League promotes and organizes Sup race events and independent events promoting the SUP discipline. In the competitions events organizes season and permanent rankings (seeding).
The events of Sup race are divided into beach race events (from minimum 7km to maximum 10km), in long distance events (from 10km up to 42km marathons), in downwind events (long distance run with wind and wave) and tecnical race (highly technical run with numerous turns). The type of event and the distance of the run must be clearly specified in the competition announcement (by the association, as well as the costs of participation in the event and the services offered to the athletes). The competition must also be open to all amateurs, who will be run in a dedicated match suitable for a less preparation. It will also be the responsibility of the organizing association to publish the race route and take care of the jury, timekeepers and secretariat (minimum guaranteed staff of 5 people), as well as take care to request all the necessary permits for the regular running of the event and ensure safety with obligatory presence of ambulance and support means in water.
Promotion events may be held concurrently associated with the sup race events, or they may be independent. These events must have as their purpose the promotion of the stand up paddling. However, they will be subject (especially if independent events) to the preventive and unappealable evaluation of E.S.L’s board of directors.
5. Categories of board sup recognized in competition
In the context of sup races, they are recognized and will enter into the ranking
the following categories:
Elite race 14’men, open to all competitors with a board not longer than 14’.
Elite race 14′ women, open to all competitors with a board not longer than 14’
Open Recreational men (shorter run) [open to all competitors with a board not longer than 12’6”]
Open Recreational women (shorter run) [open to all competitors with a board not longer than 12’6”]
The only ranking (seeding) is planned for categories Elite race 14’.
6. Age categories
In addition to the above categories, the following age categories will go to ranking and prize-giving day:
Elite 14’ over 40 men
Elite 14′ Over 40 women
Elite 14’ Over 50 men
Elite 14’ Over 50 womem
Under 16 men
Under 16 women
Recreational under 16 men
Recreational under 16 women
Over 40 is considered an athlete who has already reached the age of 41 by 1 January 2019.
Over 50 are considered an athlete who has already turned 51 at the beginning of January 2019. If at least three athletes in the over 50 category are not present at the competition, the category will be grouped with the Over 40 category.
Under 16 is an athlete who has not yet turned 16 by January 1, 2019. A category is considered valid for the ranking if composed of at least 3 athletes.
8. Permanent ranking (seeding)
Starting from the first of January 2019, all the competitions of the E.S.L. will have validity for the “Permanent Ranking”.
For each athlete will be considered the best 10 results of the last 365 days.
9. Definition of Events
The competitions are divided into 3 categories. Competitions of the same category will have, for athletes, the same scores in the ranking throughout Europe:
– Standard,
– Plus,
– Grandslam.
No restriction for standard events, Plus events will be bound by a prize money equal to or greater than 1500 euro and will have a double value compared to standard events, while Grandslam events will be no more than one per nation, will be characterized by a prize money not less than 2000 euro and will have a triple score compared to standard events.
It will be the responsibility of the national coordinator, nominated by Euro Sup League, to assign the Grandslam stage in its territory of competence.
10. Championship E.S.L 2019
In addition to the permanent ranking, E.S.L. will decide the Euro SUP League 2019 champions that will simply be the athletes who within the events called Grandslam will have achieved the highest score, with no limit of events. These champions will be awarded as well as with the honors of the case and with a prestigious award offered by the sponsors of the championship.
11. Mini promotional circuits
In addition to the permanent ranking and the championship e.s.l 2019, promotional themed mini-circuits can be organized in order to promote sport in their territory.
For example (all-round classic, single-brand, marathon circuit, etc.). These mini-circuits will have to be managed by the national coordinator. It is desirable that each mini circuit be supported by a local sponsor who will give prizes to the winners
12. National Absolute Championships
Each national coordinator will be able to organize a single event, not open to foreigners, which will assign the titles of national champion E.S.L .. This event can not coincide with a GrandSlam event. If deemed appropriate, the national coordinator can also assign the title of national amateur champion (Open).