Als hätten wir nicht schon genug Terminänderungen hinnehmen müssen, nun reagiert die Waterman League mit einer Terminänderung auf die Termin- und Ortsänderng der Battle of the Paddle. Es war schon von Anfang an klar, dass mit zwei grossen Events am gleichen Wochenende keinem geholfen ist. Also hat die Waterman League ihr datum um eine Woche nach hinten verschoben. Merkt Euch also den 10. – 12. Oktober 2014 jetzt schon vor. Wir sind sicher, nach dem Auftritt von Noelani Sach im letzten Jahr wird es dieses Jahr mehr Deutsche Paddler nach Turtle Bay locken.
Wie jedes Jahr wird es auch in 2014 wieder ein reichhaltiges Ramenprogram geben, wie ein SUP-Rennen für Kinder, SUP-Clinics und vieles mehr. Wer der Englischen Sprache Herr ist, kann das offizielle Statement unten gleich weiterlesen.
After the Paddle of the Paddle announced the date and location change an outcry whet through the paddle community as this was a date clash with the Tour Finale of the Stand Up World Series. The waterman league announced now that they have moved the date one week back:
— Official Statement—
The Waterman League is committed to the best interest of the sport of Stand Up Paddling in every respect. After the clash that was created by the Battle of the Paddle choosing the already established World Series Finals dates, we have been carefully considering all possible options to find the best solution for all concerned. In our opinion, nobody wins when two major events clash, so we have decided to push our event back to the same dates as last year for the good of the sport: the new dates will be the 10th – 12th October 2014.
This is frustrating for us, as this does mean a clash with the Molokai Hoe Canoe paddle race: however in consideration of all the athletes travelling from all over the world to compete in both events, not running them back to back would prove problematic and would inhibit far more athletes from not being able to participate than the clash with the Molokai Hoe, so have to work in favor of the majority in making this decision.
On a positive note however, the swell season is better mid October, providing a far greater chance of the spectacular conditions that we have witnessed the past few years at Turtle Bay and in 2014, there is a full progam of on the water and off the water events that will provide something for everyone. Starting with the Talk Story event on Wednesday 8th, the program will include clinics, demos, open and youth events, seminars and much more, not to mention the Annual General Meeting for the Athletes.
So make sure to book your stay early at Turtle Bay for this year’s World Series Finals, the climactic close to the 2014 Racing Season and one of the most spectacular displays in the sport. Take advantage of athletes‘ special rates early and take it all in for yourself right here on Oahu’s Fabled North Shore