Parawing Foiling Trend on Maui – Is this the future

While Wingfoiling is just gaining traction in some parts of the world, enthusiasts in Maui have already moved on to the next big thing: The Parawing.

The Parawing is a small parachute on short lines, flown like a kite. This innovative device makes it easier for downwind enthusiasts to get up on foil compared to using a paddle. What sets the Parawing apart is the freedom it offers—once you’re up and foiling, you can stow it away and enjoy a hands-free downwind run.

BRM, a local Maui-based wing manufacturer, has just launched a fully functional Parawing set that even allows riders to sail upwind. This feature significantly broadens its range of use and adds to its appeal.

In this video, we take a closer look at the Parawing and explore its potential for the future.


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