Armstrong Aluminum Mast comparison to Carbon Mast

The Armstrong Aluminum mast is only 2lbs heavier than the carbon mast, but we have not ridden an aluminum set up in a long time so we were not sure what to expect. After spending some time with the mast and the set up it was quite surprising how little of a difference we felt.

Main takeaway:

You can feel the weight difference between the two set ups, but for weekend warrior riders it is actually not that bad. Some extra weight means extra momentum and that is exactly what was felt. Once you got going, there was no notable difference in speed, jibing was also not an issue and you can feel the extra momentum when de-powering your wing.

We switched the set up back and forth or a few times and only after a few switches we felt that the carbon set up was performing better. Given the price difference, one might really think about how much money they like to spend extra in order to get a slight better performance. After all the ridding experience is still mainly in the foils and not so much in what they are attached to.

In this video we take you out on a. test drive and explain more details.


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If you missed our full review of the mast you can read and watch it here.