Itzel Delgado Lena Guimaraes 2022 Pan American SUP Racing Champions

The PASA Games Panama 2022 crowned the first 2022 Pan American Champions of the event on its third day of competition.

Highlights SUP Race


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The SUP Races for both men and women delivered the first Gold Medals of the event, won by Itzel Delgado from Peru and Lena Guimaraes from Brazil.

The day began with the men’s SUP Race, where 22 athletes from twelve countries faced the conditions of the sea and themselves to define the Medalists of this discipline.

After the start, the leaders of the group were quickly defined with Peruvian Delgado and David Leao from Brazil.

At the end of the race, Delgado commented: “I am happy to win my third Pan American title here in Panama. It was a very tough race with a lot of fighting and a lot of strategy. I am also very happy to give this victory to Peru”.

Delgado closed the race with a time of 37 minutes and 36 seconds, while Leao stopped the clock at 37 minutes and 38 seconds. Third was Franco Fachin from Argentina with a time of 38:31 and fourth was Omelv García from Puerto Rico with 39:06.

1ltzel DelgadoPER37:36:99
2David LeaoBRA37:38:30
3Franco FachinARG38:31:48
4Omel GarciaPUR39:06:91
5Luiz GuidaBRA39:07:28
6Ricardo AvilaPUR39:08:96
7Felipe MartheCOL39:29:76
8Edonays CabelloPAN39:30:95
9Fabrizio RondinaraARG40:55:05
10Lukas RodriguezURU43:04:59
11Vicente VilanovaVEN43:33:12
12Fernando AmaralMEX43:52:52
13David lbernCOL43:57:62
14Gilberto SotoPAN44:49:41
15Hector GonzalesMEX45:09:66
16David VillamarECU45:41:40
17Sebastian RiosPER48:01:91
18Christophe ConryCHI51:03:49
19Armando ColucciVEN51:38:97
20Franco BonoCHI54:39:41
21Axel CastroCRI58:45:01

The women’s race had the participation of 20 athletes from ten countries.

The athlete Juliana Gonzales from Argentina held the lead for a good part of the race, but Guimaraes was behind her, advancing positions and catching up little by little, in a demonstration of her great strength.

For the final buoy turn, Gonzales was still in the lead, followed a few meters behind by Guimaraes. When they entered the section with waves, the Argentine lost her balance when riding a wave and suffered a strong fall, while behind her the Brazilian took advantage of the same wave that threw Gonzales to pass her and take the Gold.

Guimaraes closed with a time of 41:12, Gonzales with 42.28. In third place and winner of the Bronze Medal was Natalia de la Lama also from Argentina with 42:38 and the fourth position and Copper Medal went to Aline Adisaka with a time of 42:55.

Guimaraes indicated: “I had a very bad start and so I had very rough race. In the end I was blessed with a wave to win. This is for Brazil!”

1Lena GuimaraesBRA42:12:04
2Juliana GonzalezARG42:28:74
3Natalia De La LlamaARG42:38.830
4Aline AdisakaBRA42:55:30
5Stephanie BoddenPAN44:1 0:72
6Nimsay GarciaPUR45:14:66
7Vecco Reyna Farje Giannisa JimenaPER47:38:12
8Edimar LuqueVEN48:11:55
9Lisette PradoECU51:21:72
10Mariana CarrascoMEX52:22:13
11Xiomara BowenECU52:36:18
12Murguia Iriarte Camila FernandaPER52:55:91
14Amanda R veraPUR53:49:24
15Marfa SamudioPAN54:42:72
16Betsy SalcedoVEN1:14:05.01

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