ENSIS ENGADINGWING by Dakine Dank Pioniergeist der GWA

Maaike Huvermann

The Wingfoil World Cup in Silvaplana came to an end on Sunday. The winners have been chosen, the trophies have been distributed. What remains are memories of picture-perfect days with bright blue skies and a full south wind. Beautiful nature in the midst of the unique mountain world. Incredible wingfoil sessions, new tricks and encounters. And a nice observation: women conquer wingfoiling. Discover why.

Pioneer brings GWA Wingfoil World Cup to Engadin

What does it take to bring the Wingfoil World Cup to Switzerland? Courage. Pioneering spirit. Innovation. Organiser Christian Müller combines all these virtues: «The Engadinwing was great and we are proud that Silvaplana is part of the World Cup. The sport of wingfoiling is a perfect ambassador for our beautiful country and the Engadin. I would like to thank the title sponsor and Swiss premium brand ENSIS, who believed in ENGADINWING from the beginning and supported me. This support is worth its weight in gold for the sport and for Switzerland.»

World champion ENSIS spirit

ENSIS itself was prominently represented during the ENGADINWING with no less than 12 team riders. Among them Balz Müller, the world champion in several disciplines and winner of Friday’s Pump Foil Action. The Bernese: «It is a pleasure and honour for me to win. But the biggest kick for me is to feel the wind in my wing and to be on the water. And of course the unique team spirit of ENSIS. The developers are unbeatable and listen to our inputs, and we benefit from top material. A super combination.»

In the ranks of the ENSIS Teamriders are not only seasoned world champions, but also four youngsters between the ages of 14 and 18. All of them are already world-class, or have the potential to be.

The women’s world discovers wing foiling

What is striking about Engadinwing is that more and more women practice wing foiling. This is also reflected at ENSIS, with three female team riders. One of them is Maaike Huvermann. She comes from windsurfing, where she won the vice world championship title in 2018 and 2019. Where does this female enthusiasm for wingfoiling come from? Maaike Huvermann: «What women love about wing foiling is being outside in nature with friends and practising this wonderful sport. It doesn’t matter if you’re doing a nice gybe or practising a new trick. I’m happy when I can inspire other women to wingfoil, it’s easy to learn. And all it takes is that first time where you just have to try it. Ladies, go and get your ENSIS Wing, Board, Foil and Helmet from the next ENSIS shop. You won’t regret it!»