Connor Baxter joins Maui Fire Department

Many have been wondering why Connor Baxter was not at the ICF SUP World Championships in Sarasota. After all he was the defending champion in Sprint and many of us would have loved to see him going head to head with Andri Kraitor. While the word was already out in the street, now it is official: Connor Baxter just graduated from the Maui Fire Academy. Zane Schweitzer one of his best friends and long time Starboard Team Colleague was there and was super stoked on his friends accomplishment:

A world-class athlete and true warrior, Connor holds the title of the world’s fastest paddler and multiple world championship titles. And now, he’s stepping up as a champion for our community.


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We at the Stand Up Magazin congratulate Connor Baxter to his accomplishments in the sport and to his new chapter in live. Despite Connor having a fulltime job now, we are sure he will remain a figure in the Sport and active in the water. He is part of a recently installed council for the SUP Sport by the ISA and we seen him continuing creating content for Starboard.

We remember a young Connor in the early days of SUP the Battle of the Paddle:


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