SUP Race Drama

Stand Up Magazin statement:

There are disagreements in the SUP Sport on how the future should look like. There might be disagreements race formats. We here at the magazine are in favor of healthy discussions finding ideas for a possible future for the SUP Sport. (Remember the discussion about board length? That was a while ago but a wild one.)

We like to engage in a conversation on how to bring the professional SUP Sport forward without discriminating against the hobby paddler.

What we do not need are insults and baseless accusations. Particularly not when they come from people who are not in the place to do so. People who don’t have the accomplishments to back their arrogance up. Arrogance and rudeness are never the answer, our sport dealt with too many egos, that we have seen come and go. These kind of discussions have never been very fruitful. We must take a stance against negativity and people who promote that kind of behavior.


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If you feel you need to be angry and discuss this matter. Please do so on youtube!