Laird Hamilton Interview

Laird Hamilton does not to be introduced to our community of water enthusiast. After all, Laird Hamilton is one of THE pioneers in SUP if not the original instigator in a post John Zapotocky and Waikiki Beach Boys era.

I have been writing about SUP for over 14 years and followed hundreds of stories along the way. After doing so many interviews of the years Laird was something of a missing piece in the over all picture I like to paint about water sports. Getting in touch with Laird was not easy and it was only thanks to Jimmy Lewis who connected me with him and his wife Gabby Reece to finally get the chance for an interview. Since Laird is dividing his time between Kauai and California, it was also not easy to find an overlapping date that would also coincide with my printing schedule. I already tried in 2023 but dates did not work out, but once having established communication with Gabby, I was able to try again early this year. After a few months of searching for a date, I was spontaneously invited to visit Laird at his house on Kauai. The timing could not have been better as I am just a few weeks away from printing.

I booked a plane and I was on my way to meet the one of the greatest waterman of all times. The experience meeting Laird could not have been better, we had coffee and chatted about SUP and Foiling. It felt more like a conversation amongst enthusiasts rather than an interview.

This video is an excerpt of a longer interview that will be printed in Stand Up Magazin #25 this summer. After the summer, the interview will be available in full length in English and German on this website.


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Short bio on Laird Hamilton for those who live under a rock:

Laird Hamilton is a Hawaii raised big-wave surfer, known for his pioneering contributions to the sport. Born on March 2, 1964, in San Francisco, California, Hamilton grew up in Hawaii, where he developed his passion for surfing. He is widely recognized for his fearless approach to big-wave surfing and for innovations such as tow-in surfing, which allows surfers to catch waves too large to paddle into. Beyond surfing, Hamilton has also excelled in various other water sports, including stand-up paddleboarding (SUP) and foiling. His influence extends beyond the water, as he promotes a healthy lifestyle through his fitness regimen and wellness products. Hamilton is married to professional volleyball player Gabrielle Reece, and together, they are active in promoting fitness and healthy living.