Bobo Gallagher Wing Crossing Alenuihaha Channel

Jump to glory, Bobo reached Mauis lava fields after more than 4 hours crossing and… he still has plenty energy.
(Foto: @sweetwaterhawaii)

On Sunday Maui’s Bobo Gallagher invited a group of people so see his first film “A boys journey to cross the Alenuihaha Channel”. Bobo is not only the first but also the youngest person who crossed the Alenuihaha Channel between Hawaii’s Big Island and Maui.

Bobo is also using all the attention he is getting towards a great cause and is raising money for Charity Water. Let’s remember we all like to play in clean water but some people on the planet don’t even get to drink clean water.

Follow this link an make a small donation:

We had the chance to sit down with Bobo and Josh Riccio who was on the escort boat across the channel.


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You will be able to see the movie in full lenght this coming Sunday and follow @bobogallagher for the release.