The weekend is over, the pictures are all over social media and the results are posted. Now it is time to have a closer look at the results. Most impressive is the performance of Cecilia Pampinella, at only 17 years of age that girl has shown a solid performance this year and won the longdistance race by 3.7 seconds ahead of Anna Tschirky. Looking at the race times, Anna and Cecilia were both over a minute faster than the third. Susak Molinero who is at the age of 35 already a veteran in the sport returned to the reace scene with a great performance after taking off for a while due to motherhood. Congratulations to these three ladies, they were a class of of their own. One person that also stands out was Susanne Eder-Meyer she is 30 years older than Cecilia but was only 4minutes behind her. Susanne is by far the strongest paddler in her age group. The next person who is older than her was Petra Pyffrader born in paddling in the 50+ bracket but coming in just about 8.5minutes after the winner on place 15. Maybe we need to start break down age groups more often. As the performance in the 40+ range is generally extremely strong. Particularly in central Europe.
Women Longdistance results (42 of 42)
Rank | Name | Year | Time | Div. | |
1 | Cecilia | Pampinella | 2006 | 1h19:40.5 | |
2 | Anna | Tschirky | 2003 | 1h19:44.2 | 3.7 |
3 | Susak | Molinero | 1988 | 1h21:00.1 | 1:19.6 |
4 | Tanja | Ecker | 1992 | 1h23:19.8 | 3:39.3 |
5 | Susanne | Eder-Meyer | 1976 | 1h23:45.4 | 4:04.9 |
6 | Csillag | Kocsis | 2007 | 1h24:48.8 | 5:08.3 |
7 | RĂ©ka | Slekta | 2003 | 1h24:48.9 | 5:08.4 |
8 | Anna | Hyková | 2005 | 1h25:00.6 | 5:20.1 |
9 | Katarzyna | Zarembik | 2002 | 1h25:51.5 | 6:11.0 |
10 | Eszter | Rasztotzky | 1980 | 1h25:55.3 | 6:14.8 |
11 | Skadi | Langbein | 2006 | 1h26:43.3 | 7:02.8 |
12 | Maja | DolĹľan | 2001 | 1h26:55.6 | 7:15.1 |
13 | Ma?gorzata | Ciepli?ska | 1985 | 1h27:31.3 | 7:50.8 |
14 | Emilia | Daszewska | 2009 | 1h27:40.5 | 8:00.0 |
15 | Petra | Pyffrader | 1969 | 1h28:02.9 | 8:22.4 |
16 | Martyna | Drobny | 2009 | 1h28:09.0 | 8:28.5 |
17 | Romina | Mariotto | 1989 | 1h29:17.9 | 9:37.4 |
18 | Edith | Teulade | 1963 | 1h31:29.8 | 11:49.3 |
19 | Sara | Oddera | 1971 | 1h32:02.3 | 12:21.8 |
20 | Laila | Daskiran | 2009 | 1h32:30.4 | 12:49.9 |
21 | Josephina | Karst | 2007 | 1h33:03.7 | 13:23.2 |
22 | Piera | Bellotti | 1996 | 1h33:48.7 | 14:08.2 |
23 | Polona | Pušljar | 1973 | 1h33:59.0 | 14:18.5 |
24 | Natalija | Fon | 1965 | 1h34:08.1 | 14:27.6 |
25 | Claudia | Pacher | 1975 | 1h34:15.7 | 14:35.2 |
26 | Monika | Major | 1978 | 1h36:56.7 | 17:16.2 |
27 | Éva | Suba-Bokodi | 1984 | 1h38:30.5 | 18:50.0 |
28 | Sarah | Arnold | 1989 | 1h38:59.8 | 19:19.3 |
29 | Kathy | RĂĽsbĂĽldt | 1975 | 1h45:07.6 | 25:27.1 |
30 | Giancarla | Sgaggio | 1957 | 1h46:05.3 | 26:24.8 |
31 | Nataša | Cesar | 1970 | 1h47:18.3 | 27:37.8 |
32 | Andrea | Korschelt | 1957 | 1h47:40.2 | 27:59.7 |
33 | Etelka | Dobi | 1968 | 1h47:49.6 | 28:09.1 |
34 | Lisa | Schiffner | 1991 | 1h48:31.9 | 28:51.4 |
35 | Vivien | Franke | 2009 | 1h48:45.1 | 29:04.6 |
36 | Ela Ĺ ifrar | Justin | 2007 | 1h49:04.3 | 29:23.8 |
37 | Klara | Szakal | 1983 | 1h49:09.3 | 29:28.8 |
38 | Iva Jura?i? | Milat | 1979 | 1h49:18.8 | 29:38.3 |
39 | Stanislava | Laginja | 1972 | 1h58:12.5 | 38:32.0 |
40 | Ilona | Hejduk | 1960 | 1h58:33.8 | 38:53.3 |
41 | Adrien | Balázs | 1970 | 2h03:13.5 | 43:33.0 |
42 DNS – Nicht gestartet | Marliese | Mendel | 1969 | 2h03:25.7 | 43:45.2 |
On the men side it looked like the anticipated show down between Donato Freens and Ludovic Teulade did not happen, or at least not at the finish line. It was 11 year older Bruno Hasulyo who beat the 18 year old Donato Freens by 55 seconds. We also saw great performance by new commer Blue Ewer from the UK with a 3rd place and his best results since he started competing internationally. Just like with the ladies we are taking a look at the middle aged athletes and find Germanies Normen Weber at ago of 38 on the 6th place and very impressive the 51 year old Peter Weidert he came only 22 seconds behind Kaelan Lockhart who is half his age. With a birth year of 1972 Peter is an absolute stand out. He left many much younger paddlers way far behind him.
Fotos from Saturday
Men Longdistance results (40 of 124)
Rank | Name | Year | Time | Div. | |
1 | Bruno | Hasulyo | 1994 | 1h09:50.5 | |
2 | Donato | Freens | 2005 | 1h10:45.8 | 55.3 |
3 | Blue | Ewer | 2001 | 1h10:49.1 | 58.6 |
4 | Ludovic | Teulade | 1995 | 1h10:53.9 | 1:03.4 |
5 | Paolo | Marconi | 1991 | 1h10:57.1 | 1:06.6 |
6 | Normen | Weber | 1985 | 1h11:01.1 | 1:10.6 |
7 | Filippo | Mercuriali | 1994 | 1h11:04.2 | 1:13.7 |
8 | Ole | Schwarz | 1997 | 1h11:06.4 | 1:15.9 |
9 | Joep van | Bakel | 1982 | 1h11:18.2 | 1:27.7 |
10 | Manuel | Lauble | 1985 | 1h11:48.9 | 1:58.4 |
11 | Andrey | Kraytor | 1992 | 1h11:56.4 | 2:05.9 |
12 | Kaelan | Lockhart | 1997 | 1h14:05.4 | 4:14.9 |
13 | Peter | Weidert | 1972 | 1h14:27.1 | 4:36.6 |
14 | Hermann | Husslein | 1985 | 1h14:27.2 | 4:36.7 |
15 | Christian | Taucher | 1981 | 1h14:35.5 | 4:45.0 |
16 | Damodara | Mokhniuk | 2005 | 1h14:36.6 | 4:46.1 |
17 | Martin | Teichmann | 1981 | 1h14:41.9 | 4:51.4 |
18 | Ondrej | Petrak | 1993 | 1h14:44.5 | 4:54.0 |
19 | Márton | Károly | 1981 | 1h14:45.7 | 4:55.2 |
20 | Zeno | Szabo | 2007 | 1h14:45.9 | 4:55.4 |
21 | Maximus | Sijrier | 2008 | 1h14:51.8 | 5:01.3 |
22 | Gábor | Szabo | 1973 | 1h15:14.0 | 5:23.5 |
23 | Samuel | Peška | 1997 | 1h15:44.0 | 5:53.5 |
24 | Filippo | Alberti | 2002 | 1h15:49.4 | 5:58.9 |
25 | Grzegorz | Szpynda | 1994 | 1h15:53.1 | 6:02.6 |
26 | Vojt?ch | Seidenglanz | 2005 | 1h15:54.6 | 6:04.1 |
27 | Viktor | Zöllner | 1975 | 1h15:58.1 | 6:07.6 |
28 | Marlon | Daskiran | 2008 | 1h16:53.6 | 7:03.1 |
29 | Luka | KoĹľar | 1986 | 1h16:58.4 | 7:07.9 |
30 | Gerd | Weisner | 1968 | 1h17:07.7 | 7:17.2 |
31 | Jan | Mönch | 1981 | 1h17:10.7 | 7:20.2 |
32 | Alexander | Friedt | 1961 | 1h18:17.8 | 8:27.3 |
33 | Lefteris | Maroulakis | 1972 | 1h18:25.7 | 8:35.2 |
34 | Philipp | Reiner | 1983 | 1h18:32.9 | 8:42.4 |
35 | Timo | Hage | 1976 | 1h18:36.3 | 8:45.8 |
36 | Holger | Hassenpflug | 1972 | 1h18:40.5 | 8:50.0 |
37 | Benyam | Bossack | 2009 | 1h18:44.6 | 8:54.1 |
38 | Michael | Hackl | 1977 | 1h18:52.4 | 9:01.9 |
39 | Daniele | Gennari | 2002 | 1h19:55.2 | 10:04.7 |
40 | Niclas | Imruck | 1995 | 1h19:56.5 | 10:06.0 |
One thing became clear, when it comes to explosive racing with beach starts the young guns have a clear advantage over the older guys. As we look through the finalists we see Normen Weber being the oldest doing very well at least for the first round. Bruno Haslylio had a slow start while Normen was very quick off the beach reaching the first buy in the lead. Sadly Normen had a fall after the beach run and had to swim for his board and fell into last position. This mistake cost him the podium. Never the less he was able to catch up with Bruno and even beat him. On the front end it was Blue Ewer dominating the field for both rounds. He showed a flawless performance and booked his first win this ear, in fact his first win since he started his appearance on the international stage.
Final Tech Race Men
- Blue Ewer
- Ludovic Teulade
- Donato Freens
- Filippo Mercuriali
- Andrey Kraytor
- Paolo Marconi
- Normen Weber
- Bruno Hasulyo
Final Tech. Race Women
- Cecilia Pampinella
- Anna Tschirky
- Suasak Molinero
- Tanja Ecker
- Csillag Kocsis
- Rekta Slekta
- Skadi Lanbein
- Anna Hykova
- Katarzyna Zarembik
The girls podium turned out the exact same way as the long distance, at least up till 4th place. Cecilia was dominating the final by a margin right from the start. Tanja Ecker who held a 3rd place up to the beach run fell back on to forth just before the beach turn and Anna became 3rd, but the race was not over. Anna was now on a quest to catch Susak who held 2nd quite strongly, but Anna was too strong for her, she caught up and finally left her behind, getting a well deserved 2nd place behind Cecilia who was simply unbeatable in this final.
Fotos from Sunday