Stand Up Magazin SUP World Champion Awards 2022

The Stand Up Magazin is awarding SUP World Champion Athletes with the prestigious title of being a SUP World Champion. We dug through the forest of world titles and tours. We looked at names standing out during the year and some races that are worthy beeing part of our exclusive and highly accurate ranking system we came up with in less than 2 days.

APP World Tour: Longest standing tour with on and off some the best athletes in the world. Medium to small participation rate.

EURO Tour: Long standing and most reliable tour in Europe, big participation rate.

ICF: World Federation with a big participation rate du to any one can go. Big budget.

ISA: World Federation and original SUP World Champs organizer, medium participation rate due to qualification and remote venues

Carolina Cup: Legacy race with a big participation

SUP World Festival: Big SUP Event of Europe in 2022.

Enjoy our award show:


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Biggest stand out names in 2022:

Connor Baxter / Michael Booth / Titouan Puyo / Shuri Araki / Noic Garioud

Esperanza Barreras / April Zilg / Dunda Gordillo / Melanie Lefenetre / Caroline Küntzel / Amandine Chazot

SUP World Champions according to the Stand Up Magazin:

Longdistance: Michael Booth and Esperanza Barreras

Short Distance (Sprint/Tech): Connor Baxter and April Zilg

Tour Rankings and stand outs

Champions MenAPP overallEURO TOUR
Michael Booth242
Titouan Puyo191
Shuri Araki2NA
Noic GarioudNA9
Ty JudsonNA3
Itzel Delgado3NA
Clement Colmas9Na
Connor Baxter1NA
Rai Tachui5NA
Arthur Arutkin4NA
Liran MachlevNA4
Fernando Perez SerraNA5
Bruno Hasulyo136
World Champions MenICFISACarolina C.World SUP F.
Michael Booth1312
Titouan Puyo22NA4
Shuri ArakiNA135
Noic GarioudNA4NA1
Ty JudsonNANA42
Itzel DelgadoNANA
Clement Colmas3NANANA
Connor BaxterNANA5NA
ICFISACarolina C.World SUP F.
Connor Baxter11NANA
Noic Garioud22NA
David LeaoNA3NA
Claudio Nika3NANA
Tech. RaceICFISACarolina C.World SUP F.
Connor Baxter151NA
Titoun Puyo23NA1
Noic Garioud6222
Schuri ArakiNA143
Michael BoothNA46
Rai Tachui3NaNANA
Arthur Arutkin4NANANA
David Leao3
Ty Judson5
Michael Booth6
World Champions Ladies
LongdistanceICFISACarolina C.World SUP F.
Esperanza Barreras12NA1
Duno Gordillo21NA2
Melanie Lafenetre33NA5
Amandine Chazot5NANA4
April Zilg61NA
Anais GuyomchNANA3
Candice ApplebyNA3NA
Juliette DuHaimeNA6
Caterina Stenta4NANANA
Caroline KüntzelNANANANA
Tech. RaceICFISACarolina C.World SUP F.
Melanie Lafenetre13NA1
Duna Gordillo26NA
Caroline Küntzel3NANA2
Holly PieNANANA3
April Zilg741NA
Candice ApplebyNA12NA
Esperanza Barreras42NA
Juliette DuHaime4
April Zilg11
Caroline Küntzel42
Mariecarmen RiveraNA3
Cecilia PampinellaNA4
Melanie Lafenetre2
Amandine Chazot3
Duna Gordillo5
Esperanza Barreras7