1. German Pumpfoil Masters

We talked about and even preached it: We need to start to see Pump Foil competitions. Now we finally see what I would call Europe’s or even the world wide first Pump Foil competition. This pioneer event will be held in Berlin in 2 Weeks and we are very excited to see how things will go down. There will be races, freestyle and a relay event. We are looking forward to have pictures and some video from this ground breaking event.

On August 14, 2022, the first Germany-wide PumpFoil contest will take place in Berlin. The idea came from the guys from Cityfoilers.de together with Seebad Friedrichshagen and Nalani-SUPSurfing.

The event will coincide with MüggelMortale, an event where visitors jump from the tower and board on a cushion of air (Blub) and show acrobatic jumps into the water. However, for the Foilers, the PumpFoil competition is the goal of the visit to the lake resort. There will be three disciplines in which the best pump foilers from all over Germany will compete: 1. Tactical Race – a slalom around inflatable buoys, where time will decide who wins and who loses. 2. freestyle – a jury will decide which choreography and tricks on the board are convincing. 3. team event (relay) – is a relay race from pier to pier, where teams compete against each other to bring a ball (Hackysack) to the finish. As a small side event the longest ride will be honored and rewarded with Wake Thief Caps.

Mainly the foilers will start from a jetty at a fishing boat in order not to endanger the jumpers and bathers.  However, at special times there are also sessions in the bathing area of the seaside resort.

Johannes (co-founder of the Cityfoilers crew) told us that the fun but of course also the sporting ambition will be the focus of the participants and that there are a lot of prizes to be won: such as a brand new Cityfoliers board, a Wavecatcher foil, 10 places at the 2Wave Foilevent and much more. So it will be exciting on 14.08.2022 at Müggelsee, because this contest is probably the first of its kind but guaranteed not the last – because PumpFoilen or pumping as the guys say, is becoming more and more popular and will develop from a marginal sport to an ever-growing sport. This is because it is possible to catch waves of boats in the middle of Berlin and surf/foil for miles. If you want to find out more about the event or the sport feel free to go to http://cityfoilers.de/events/ or watch the guys on Instagram (cityfoilers).

We are excited and will report how the first GERMAN PUMPFOIL MASTERS went.

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