When swim clubs are amongst the first to discover the flat water pumping and open up their facilities to foil enthusiasts for having workshops and courses, we would say we are on to something.
We just happen to discover this by accident, but in Germany the SV Bayer Uerdingen 08 (Swimmclub) is organizing regular foil starter courses.
The idea is genius: You take an Olympic 50m swimmingpool and now you have the perfect facility to safely teach people how to foil. No boat is needed just a winch on the other end of the pool and students can get their first experience on a foil board in a save environment.
With a pool and a winch there are also several advantages: For example you can try over and over without having a boat to pick you up or doing a tiring dock start. Plus you are in warm water and when it is cold, raining or snowing outside you get that awesome beach feeling.
This once again highlights the potential of this as of right now still exotic sport. However once adapted by more people we are sure we will see more indoor swimming pools giving time slots to Pumpfoilers and those who want to become one.