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Similarities between Stand Up Paddling an Pickleball

Seniors are taking over

“We all know that pickleball is for everyone. It’s inclusive, social and engaging. And the health benefits are obvious – from cardiovascular, mental health, and personal fitness, pickleball is a great way to breathe new health and vitality into your body. “

This was the opening statement by the PPA Tour in May 2024, announcing a Senior Pickleball Tour. Yes, Pickleball and Stand Up Paddling are two entirely different sports, but if you replace the word “Pickleball” in the above statement with “Stand Up Paddling,” you arrive at the same conclusion: sport is good for you.

Many Euorpean readers might have not heard of Pickleball, this video will explain it:


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Why are we talking about Pickleball on Stand Up Magazin?

It appears that, when it comes to age groups and senior participation, these two sports share some commonalities. We were inspired to take this comparative approach by a recent interview with Gerd Weisner on totalSUP. Gerd is an outspoken advocate for senior SUP inclusion and a competitive Master Class participant. Much like Pickleball today, SUP was regarded as the fastest-growing sport just a few years ago. Pickleball developed entirely from its recreational roots and is predominantly played by seniors. If you visit the courts, you’ll find the average age well into the 60s. Tennis facilities are bursting with middle- to upper-aged Pickleball players—much to the dismay of tennis players.

In this article, we aim to explore the similarities between these two seemingly unrelated sports that share one significant overlap: strong participation from older adults. A key takeaway from the interview on totalSUP is the demand for a 60+ category in SUP. This raises an important question:

Is Stand Up Paddling a competitive sport for seniors?

Circling back to Gerd Weisner, it seems he’s onto something. By advocating for a 60+ category, he envisions the future for two of the sport’s strongest age groups: the 55–59 and 50–54 divisions. As these age groups move up, and assuming we don’t lose participants, the senior class could experience significant growth. The 60+ category, and perhaps even the 70+ category, will emerge as vibrant and competitive. The message is clear: Seniors are not done yet and will likely want their own divisions as they progress through their 60s and beyond.

What Gerd is suggesting is already happening in Pickleball. Here’s a statement from one of the sport’s key voices regarding the new senior tour:

“Pickleball is a sport for all ages, and we are thrilled to partner with Humana to highlight and level up the experience for our most seasoned players,” said Dave Fleming, senior pro and the PPA Tour’s Lead Commentator. “Humana and the PPA Tour are changing the game and making the sport even more enjoyable for seniors, which we didn’t even think was possible!”

Evidently the sport of Pickleball reached a tipping point that sponsors saw a niche in the market and created their own tour solely catering to the 50+ crowd.

Further from the PPA:

There were 570 registrants for the Humana Champions Showcase series over the course of the PPA Tour’s two events in Arizona and Austin. Pickleball’s senior community continues to defy conventional stereotypes about athletic decline with age and transform pre- and post-retirement lifestyle expectations. They are an inspiration to all of us to get moving, follow your passions, and build a life worth living.

Who came to the largest SUP Event of 2024?

Looking at our graphic above, and assuming the ICF participation demographic is representative of the rest of the world, we see a strong demand for competitive stand-up paddling from the age of 45 and up. Much like in Pickleball, the SUP industry might want to consider whether it’s worthwhile to cater more actively to this demographic. This group has the financial means and the time to travel. As Gerd Weisner puts it: “Kids are out of school, and these are the two decades where you can focus on yourself again when you’re in your 50s and 60s. Why not embrace it?”

The Pyramid in the Long Run

Right now, the SUP sport and its senior participants are in good hands. But what happens in a few decades? To answer this, we need to examine the bottom half of the participation pyramid:

It’s a good sign that the 15–19 age group is the strongest of all, though not as strong as the combined 45–59 group. Nonetheless, the high participation among those under 20 reflects strong parental involvement and youth development in the sport. The big question is: what happens when promising juniors age out of their class and reach their 20s?

This is the age when major life decisions are made. Young people either go to university or join the workforce, which often leaves them with less time to train or compete at a high level. Unfortunately, there isn’t yet a robust support system for professional or semi-professional careers in SUP. This was evident in Sarasota and is reflected in the weak participation numbers for the 20–39 age bracket—arguably the athletic prime. This is also the group that makes up the sport’s elite competitors.

Looking at this “pyramid” and projecting 20 years ahead, we can only speculate about what will happen. Will Gerd Weisner, at 76, still be paddling as part of the strongest 75–79 age group? Will today’s 19-year-olds become 39-year-old coaches, commentators, or industry leaders, reflecting on rich careers in the sport? What about the young elite? Many of them haven’t been born yet—or are just now getting their diapers changed.

Comparing SUP to Pickleball

In this regard, Pickleball is far ahead of SUP. The list of open-ranked players in Pickleball runs 500 names deep, with about 285 players earning points. The top players collectively make over $1 million annually through prize money and endorsements. This kind of support system provides young hopefuls with real incentives to excel in the sport and reach the top.

Meanwhile, on the Senior Tour, the focus is on having a good time, earning modest prize money, collecting trophies, and gaining bragging rights. Why are they not earning the same like the elite? Because the spectators are most interested in watching elite-level competition, not senior-level play. Sponsors, in turn, invest where the audience is.


Pickleball has found a system that allows seniors to compete at the highest level within their age groups, while maintaining a separate elite tour that anyone can join (including seniors). This dual structure provides sponsors with a solid platform to showcase their brands to a growing audience of active seniors and aspiring young athletes. Brands are pouring money into the market, and festival-style events are flourishing across the United States and Canada.

Dynamic Universal Pickleball Rating (DUPR) is estimated to have over 1 million accounts in 158 countries. These are numbers that SUP can only dream of—though even reaching half that would be an incredible achievement. Until then, the SUP community must focus on attracting young people, creating a support system for ambitious elite paddlers, and catering to competitive recreational senior paddlers like Gerd Weisner. As Gerd said in his interview with totalSUP:

I love racing against the youth, take Marlon Daskiran for example, he is 16. In the 2024 Long Distance races we were sharing many kilometers together and finally this year he was always a bit ahead. Well done! I like it! But that is the beauty of SUP racing, it is connecting all generations. But I do not give up and will have some beers after the race once beating him again.

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SUP World Rankings 2024 Top 10 Athletes


It is the end of a long and intense SUP race season. We started with a very busy first half of the year, featuring all the EURO TOUR races in Spain and Italy, as well as the Lake Rocks Festival in Austria, which was part of the SUP Alps Trophy. We have been keeping tabs on the world’s top ten since the beginning of the year.

In the second half of the year, the race schedule became very fragmented, and most elite athletes who don’t live in Europe returned to their home countries. There were few to no major international races, making it more difficult to maintain an accurate top ten list. (This is also the reason we stopped updating it in the second half and are now asking ourselves what to do with this in 2025.)

As always, at the end of the year, the SUP World Rankings are cleaned up, and only the top-ranked races are considered for the final athlete rankings. This is what we have been waiting for, and, frankly, the cleaned-up version closely reflects what we had anticipated all along.

Men Longdistance

hrimpy is the undisputed king of long distance. He has a significant points lead, and everyone who saw his performance at the ICF in Sarasota will agree. In fact, he won every long-distance race he competed in: Sancti Petri, Mondello, Busan, Punta Ala, and Barcelona.

Behind him is Donato Freens, who was a very busy paddler with many great results, but the points difference is significant. Only 10 points behind Donato is Rai Taguchi showing a very close race to the season end.

Congratulations to all the racers, and a special shout-out to Eri Tenorio, who most likely made the top ten due to his phenomenal comeback at the ICF long-distance race in Sarasota.

1Shuri ArakiJPN3511.6
2Donato FreensNED2897.23
3Rai TaguchiJPN2887.75
4Aaron SanchezESP2495.25
5Daniel HasulyoHUN2478.32
6Ethan BryFRA2164.1
7Blue EwerGBR2147.56
8Itzel DelgadoPER2125.7
9Eri TenorioBRA2045.05
10Manuel HoyuelaESP1991.47

Women Longdistance

The clear champions here are Esperanza Barreras and Marie Carmen Rivera. Espe is the world’s undisputed top female paddler, but in Marie Carmen, she has a very worthy opponent. Esperanza holds both the ISA and ICF World Titles, so it is only natural that she is SWR’s top-ranked paddler this year.

Marie Carmen earned silver at both the ICF and ISA, finishing behind Espe — and their points difference is understandably slim. Further back, we find Juliette Du Haime and Duna Gordillo, who both had a respectable year as well.

Special shout out to Kimberly Barnes who is by far the oldest paddler in this group and showed amazing performance against girls more than half her age.

1Esperanza BarrerasESP2213.25
2Marie Carmen RiveraPUR2031.15
3Juliette Du HaimeARG1548.64
4Duna GordilloESP1307.52
5Susak MolineroESP1113.62
6Alba FreyESP1108.21
7Cecilia PampinellaITA1089.37
8Kimberly BarnesUSA1017.75
9Anais GuyomarchFRA953.76
10Iona RivetFRA947.85

Men Tech. Race

Rai Taguchi is the clear Tech Race world champion. Despite not performing as well as he wanted in Sarasota, where he finished 6th, his ISA world title, gold medal at the SUP Spring Race, and various other podium finishes solidified his position.

Christian Anderson had a great year, and he even mentioned in an interview that he felt it was his best year ever. It’s also great to see Itzel Delgado in third place. For an athlete who focused more on ULD races such as M2O, the 11 City Tour, and the Okinawa to Yoron Ocean Race, he certainly excelled with buoy turns this year, winning all the Latin American Races.

1Rai TaguchiJPN2559.6
2Christian AndersenDEN2017.04
3Itzel DelgadoPER1949.35
4Filippo MercurialiITA1863.3
5Blue EwerGBR1753.1
6Donato FreensNED1657.24
7Sergio CantoralESP1626.31
8Manuel HoyuelaESP1625.72
9Aaron SanchezESP1563.6
10Paolo MarconiITA1495.87

Women Tech Race

Esperanza Barreras is not only the fastest long-distance paddler, but she is also the fastest Tech Racer. She earned silver medals at both the ICF and ISA and claimed victory at the Barcelona SUP World Fest.

Less than 100 points behind her is Juliette Du Haime. At the ICF, she finished 4th, but she won the Copa America, placed 2nd in Barcelona, and took the top spot at the Lake Rocks Festival in Austria. She did miss the top spot but not by much.

In third place, we have Duna Gordillo, who achieved fantastic wins in Sarasota and at the Busan Open in South Korea.

1Esperanza BarrerasESP1626.75
2Juliette Du HaimeARG1552.5
3Duna GrodilloESP1319.4
4Marie Carmen RiveraPUR932.02
5Cecilia PampinellaITA856.75
6Marta ApanasewiczPOL783.49
7Claudia PostiglioneITA675.87
8Rika OkuakiJPN659.01
9Kyriaki LogothetiJPN624.1
10Alba FreyESP617.62

Men Sprint Races

The world of sprinting belongs to Andrey Kraitor. He set his sights on the ICF World Title — and delivered. His dominance was on full display as he clinched victories at Agios Nikolaos, the ECA Sprints, and the Lake Rocks Sprints, cementing his place as the king of speed.

Hot on his heels in second place is Cameron Tripney, whose consistent performances include a 3rd place finish in Sarasota, a 2nd place podium at the Lake Rocks Festival in Austria, and a decisive win at the SUP Spring Race.

Rounding out the top three is Manuel Hoyuela. He grabbed 2nd in Sarasota but followed a different race schedule than Cameron, meeting Kraitor again at the ECA Sprints, where he finished 3rd.

Overall, the Sprint Category reveals a unique dynamic — the names here differ significantly from those in long-distance and tech racing. Clearly, not every paddler is built for the explosive intensity of sprinting, highlighting a different skill set.

1Andrey KraitorBUL2349.6
2Cameron TripneyRAS1856.3
3Manuel HoyuelaESP1533.62
4Doukas PhaedonGRE1281.36
5Rai TaguchiJPN1242.12
6Christian AndersenDEN1123.92
7Normen WeberGER1096.9
8Blue EwerGBR1031.82
9Linus KarlssonSWE1013.32
10Mikolay MajdanPOL999.85

Women Sprint

IIn the women’s sprint category, we’re looking at a different leaderboard compared to the long-distance and tech races. Alba Frey reigns supreme, claiming the top spot with a 3rd place finish in Sarasota, a victory in Greece, and another triumph at the ISA. Essentially, she dominated, winning two out of the three sprint races she entered.

Second place belongs to Marta Apanasewicz, a lesser-known talent from Poland who quietly amassed her points. Her highlight was a 2nd place finish in Greece, complemented by solid results in smaller races and a 3rd place at the ECA Sprints.

Rounding out the top three is Paris Katniss, who burst onto the scene with a stunning victory in Sarasota. This win secured her spot on the podium, despite a 4th place in Greece and an 8th place at the SUP Spring Race.

The sprint category showcases a fresh mix of names, proving that when it comes to explosive speed, these women are in a league of their own.

1Alba FreyESP978.5
2Marta ApanasewiczPOL786.27
3Paris KatnissUSA707.54
4Cecilia PampinellaITA687.9
5Marie Carmen RiveraPUR639.56
6Kyriaki LogothetiGRE622.64
7Claudia PostiglioneITA616.95
8Linda SyrovatkovaCZE551.79
10Esperanza BarrerasESP442.5


We can all be really happy that Tibor Hasulyo took on the mantle left by Chris Parker. The current ranking system is an accurate, math-based approach that considers all relevant factors, creating a fair ranking. However, after five years of statistics, we’re beginning to encounter challenges. The system is becoming diluted due to the fragmentation of the sport, especially after a few months. This dilution tends to reward athletes who perform well in lesser-ranked or less competitive races.

This raises a fundamental question for us: Why track rankings year-round if we end up with a reshuffeled top ten by the end of the year? The excitement of this ranking system lies in witnessing rivalries develop throughout the season. We love following athletes, seeing them compete head-to-head, and watching the race for the world title intensify as the year progresses. Unfortunately, our sport lacks the organization necessary to form a consistent series of races that could function as a cohesive world tour. Instead, SUP is scattered and inconsistent, making even unifying the competitive side under the SWR a challenging task.

At Stand Up Magazin, we are considering a shift in approach. Instead of maintaining weekly updates to the SWR, we’re thinking of creating our own ranking system that focuses solely on 3- to 5-Star races, using SWR data. We question whether it’s truly necessary to rank and count every race in some pond in the middle of nowhere. This may sound harsh — and we don’t intend to discredit paddlers or organizers — but the most compelling stories come from major events where the sport showcases its highest level of competition.

It’s unfortunate that the APP, despite its excellent media production, has failed to deliver a sustainable model akin to those seen in other sports. Without comprehensive media packages and consistent content creation, we won’t be able to sell this sport to a broader audience or attract major sponsors. Competitive SUP will remain fragmented, relying on government subsidies and two organizations battling for jurisdiction. A few key events will continue to be funded by local tourism authorities, as long as they see value in doing so promoting their destination.

If we want to break out of this niche, we need structure. The SWR is currently the only system providing any semblance of structure. The next step is to identify key races worldwide and encourage top athletes to participate by offering prize money and decent media coverage.

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Korean SUP Tour attracts Europeans

The Korean SUP Tour, launched by KAPP (a subsidiary of the presently quieter APP), is rapidly becoming a flagship series for stand-up paddleboarding in South Korea. This initiative not only highlights the sport’s rising popularity but also broadens competitive horizons, featuring a diverse range of races from sprints to long-distance challenges, all set against South Korea’s beautiful coastlines and rivers.

The recent 2nd race in Danyang was a testament to the Tour’s growing impact. Athletes from various skill levels, including international competitors from Europe and Thailand, came together, fostering a dynamic community and encouraging newcomers. The KAPP’s prize money—up to $1,000 for first place and $700 for second—has proven to be a draw, attracting seasoned athletes who are eager to share their expertise and experience with a new audience.

Christian, Taucher and Sabe Fischer (2nd) traveling from Europe. Daniel Hasulyo Hungarian Ex-pat living in Thailand 1st. 3rd Koman Natapat from Thailand

The influx of European SUP athletes into the Korean SUP Tour highlights the sport’s expanding global reach and the increasing importance of Asian markets. As the KAPP continues to invest in and develop these events, there’s a strong possibility that Asia could become as central to the SUP world as Europe and the US have been. With such promising developments, the Asian SUP scene is certainly one to watch closely.

Results KAPP Danyang

Elite Men Distance Result

  1. Daniel Hasulyo 다니엘 하슬요
  2. Christian Taucher 크리스천 타우처
  3. Koman Natapat 코만 나타팟

Amateur Men Distance Result

  1. Dmitri Sergei 드미트리 세르게이
  2. Jang Dong Hoon 장동훈
  3. Baek Gyu Yeol 백규열

U18 men Distance Result

  1. Lee Sung Hun 이성훈
  2. Jang Geun Seo 장근서

U16 Men Distance Result

  1. Choi Min Jun 최민준
  2. Yu Si Yun 유시윤
  3. Chung Ye Chan 정예찬

U14 Men Distance Result

  1. Park Chan Yul 박찬율
  2. Han Joel 한조엘
  3. Kim Ji Woo 김지우

Elite Women Distance Result

  1. Lim Su Jeong 임수정
  2. Fisher Sabine 피셔 사빈
  3. Choi Ji Won 최지원

Amateur Women Distance Result

  1. Won Ju Yeon 원주연
  2. Choi Areum 최아름
  3. Sim Yihwa 심이화

U16 Women Distance Result

  1. Moh Hee Joo 모희주
  2. Moh Seo Yeon 모서연
  3. Kim Han Byeol 김한별

U14 Women Distance Result

  1. Han Ellin 한엘린
  2. Krajcar Daeun 크라자카 다은
  3. Yoon Da hee 윤다희
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Busy SUP Season in the US

We just received the newsletter from USA SUP and we are looking at the busy past few weeks with some great paddle events. They might not be your SUP World Ranked races, but there is no lack of enthusiasm and participation as these 3 races proof:

The Charles Island Sup Cup

The Charles Island Sup Cup did not disappoint this year! The water conditions were probably the best I have raced there in the past 10 years. The heat, however, was probably the hottest ever, for so early in the summer. The courses were shortened slightly due to the heat. The lack of side chop was replaced by salty, sweat.

This race grows every year. Originally a local race, it has expanded throughout Nee England and New York. This year the tribe tentacles drew in the Jersey boys and a Maryland crew. The Canadians returned for a second year.

The success is due to the Race Directors, Tina Pritchard the owner of Scoot and Paddle in Milford, CT and Jack Egan of Surfrider Foundation CT Chapter. Jack has initiated a Sprint series with events at 5 CT races during the season. This attracts some strong competitors as well as 1st timers .

More than the race itself, the gathering of the tribe is heartwarming.. This event is our season opener, often bringing together friends not seen since the past September. The vibe with music, food trucks, vendors and families livens up a town beach on Long Island Sound in Milford, CT. The new addition of a Board and Gear Swap offered opportunities to upgrade gear and talk shop. (Text: Gail Kotowski)

The First Annual RIVER RUMBLE

What a great inaugural race! This was a totally grassroots effort to fill the gap left by the Windermere SUP CUP and it turned out so great! Big thanks to Jess Bouchee, Dan Miller, and Tricia Lyons for banding together and pulling off such a fun, challenging, and community focused event! I was so excited to have my Texas SUP Sista, Kiri Mevin, join me in Montana for the race! She has family in Montana and I really enjoyed introducing her to the awesome Montana SUP crew!

The race was held on Saturday, July 21 with a start time of 9:00am. We gathered at Riverside Park in Polson, Montana for the morning race. It was held on the Flathead River, just as it flows into Polson Bay and Flathead Lake. The sky was nice and clear, but the wind kicked up and gave us some challenging conditions! Mother Nature was putting some RUMBLE in the RIVER for sure! 

We had a great group of racers from all skill levels and a good mix of board types. Brooke and Ed were doing their first race! Dan was the Master of the Megaphone and gave everyone a great description of the racecourse and what to expect for the day. He made sure that everyone knew that safety was the priority and to stop and help any racer in distress. Kiri’s husband, Josh, took start line duty until Dan could take over (on the megaphone, of course).

We lined up at the pier and Josh hit the siren – we were off! The wind was blowing at our backs and the chop got into my head a little, so I didn’t have the most confident start. I had jelly fish legs – BAD! But I gave myself a stern talking to (out loud!) and I dug deep. The whole field was out in front of me. I had some work to do! A few paddlers opted to take a bit of the course on their knees due to the conditions. I was determined to stay upright even though I was struggling! Once I passed a newer paddler on an inflatable, I had my work cut out for me! I caught up to Kiri about a quarter of the way through the course and set my sights on halfway island. I was able to catch up to two amazing women paddlers from Montana just past the island. They both cheered me on in true SUP love spirit! I could see Kat Shaw’s bright-pink shirt in the distance – she was almost at the finish line already! I set my sights on Tricia Lyons, who was currently in second, but she was way too far ahead to make that a possibility. Tricia, Arnold Lucero and Mike Bouchee were battling it out to the finish line with Travis Prewitt between us. I wasn’t out of the woods just yet! I could hear Jess behind me when the waves would catch her board! I tried to catch Travis, to no avail. We were paddling straight into the gusting wind ! It would have been easy to let up, but it was my 58th birthday and I was going for the podium!

I was out in the middle of the lake pondering whether to go straight (and hope they could see my finish) or paddle the longer route closer to the pier. I stuck it out in the middle. I could hear Dan on the Megaphone calling out names – I could hear mine – and Jess’s, too – she was close! I didn’t dare look behind me and risk falling. I kept my resolve and kept paddling as hard as I could. The voice in my head was going a mile a minute! Am I past the pier? Should I keep paddling? Yes! Keep paddling! Then, I heard Dan call my name for third place!! Jess was a close fourth with Sue Miks taking fifth for the women’s field! Kiri had a strong finish with sixth place. Onno and Ed had great races, too!

We weren’t all in, yet. Brooke was out on the lake battling the wind! We could see her off rounding the halfway point. She wasn’t giving up. In true SUP Ohana fashion, Kat grabbed her board and paddle and went out to support Brooke to the finish line. We all gathered on the shore to give a giant cheer as she crossed the finish line of her first race!

Dan was the MC for the awards ceremony on his trusty megaphone! As he called the placements, Tricia gave us all a Flathead Lake tote with goodies from local businesses! The awards were wonderful painted rocks – each one unique!

After the race we all gathered and enjoyed the food the organizers provided. We dug into the wonderfully delicious huckleberry pie that my sweet friend, Arnold, brought for my birthday! What a perfect way to celebrate – in a beautiful place, with beautiful friends, doing the thing I love most! Thanks again to the truly phenomenal Montana SUP family for a race I’ll never forget! (Text: Linda McCoy)

Dam 2 Dam

Combining a passion for paddleboarding with a commitment to making a difference, Megan Cynowa, owner of The Goat Boater, has played a crucial role in bringing a groundbreaking event to life. The Dam 2 Dam paddleboarding event, created by the 24 Foundation, has not only brought the community together but also raised an impressive $70,000 for charity. This article explores the inspiration behind the event, the challenges faced, and the impact made.

The Genesis of Dam 2 Dam

The idea for Dam 2 Dam stemmed from the 24 Foundation’s mission to inspire and engage communities to make an immediate impact on the lives of those affected by cancer.  United by the common vision of cancer navigation and survivorship for all, 24 Foundation has raised more than $27 million to date. Megan Cynowa was approached by the foundation to organize and facilitate the event. “We wanted to create an event that brought the community together and made a significant impact,” Megan shared. Paddling from one dam to another while raising funds for charity seemed like the perfect way to achieve this.

The 24 Foundation, known for its dedication to charitable causes, saw the potential in this vision and partnered with Megan Cynowa, whose extensive experience in organizing paddleboarding events made her the ideal organizer and facilitator for this ambitious project. Together, they set out to turn the dream of Dam 2 Dam into a reality.

The Journey of Planning and Execution

Turning an idea into a successful event is no small feat. The planning for Dam 2 Dam took about 1.5 years, starting with a proof of concept in 2023 to ensure the event’s feasibility and scalability. From there, they set their sights on the 2024 dates, laying the groundwork for what would become an inspiring success story.

One of the most significant challenges was ensuring the safety of all participants. Paddleboarding over long distances is demanding, so it was crucial to ensure everyone was properly trained and equipped. Navigating the logistics of the route over 25 miles and securing permits were other hurdles that required meticulous planning and coordination. Megan credits her dedicated team for their tireless efforts in overcoming these obstacles.

The Day of the Event

The event saw 38 paddleboarders participating, each raising funds for the 24 Foundation.  Paddlers met at 5 AM and the finish line to start their 45 minute bus ride journey to the starting line.  It was a controlled mad dash upon exiting the bus, lining paddlers up with their correct board, paddle, safety gear and equipment.  The temperature was 84 degrees and the humidity was off the charts.  Within twenty minutes, safety boats, police boat escorts and all the paddlers were on the water highly anticipating their 11 hour adventure to come!  The sense of camaraderie and shared purpose was palpable as participants made their way through heat and sun towards the finish line together. “It was incredibly moving to see people of all ages and backgrounds come together for a common cause,” Megan recalled.

The funds raised from this event were for patient navigation and wellness programs provided through Levine Cancer Institute, Levine Children’s Hospital, and our other Beneficiaries. These programs include integrative oncology, acupuncture, healing touch, massage therapy, nurse navigators and much more.

Looking Ahead: Scaling for the Future

Buoyed by the success of this year’s event, both Megan and the 24 Foundation are keen to make Dam 2 Dam an annual affair. There are plans to scale the event to include 200 paddleboarders, raising even more funds for the foundation.  Ideas for next year are already being discussed and brainstormed.  Scaling up requires more safety boats, improved paddler selection criteria, more Milo’s for hands free communication and additional safety training for escort boat volunteers.  We aim to capitalize on this years wins and make modifications from minor challenges encountered.

Advice for Aspiring Organizers

For other standup paddleboard companies looking to organize similar events, Megan offers some valuable advice. “Start by finding a cause that resonates with you and your community.  I have a personal relationship with cancer and the 24 Foundation does incredible work in that arena. 

Building a dedicated team for planning and logistics is crucial.  You will need more volunteers than you expect and leaning on them might be the difference between success or insanity. Starting with a small-scale proof of concept can help test the feasibility of your event.  Engaging with local businesses for support and sponsorships, and leveraging social media and local media for promotion are also key to success. Prioritize safety above all else.  You are a steward of the paddling and lake community.  What you know and take for granted, many others not familiar with the lake have no idea about.  Go the extra mile do discuss the little things as basic as they may seem and do not compromise.  Above all, staying passionate and persistent is essential. “The impact you can make is worth every effort,” Megan emphasizes.


Megan Cynowa’s dedication and enthusiasm, combined with the 24 Foundation’s vision, have not only made Dam 2 Dam a resounding success but also set a precedent for how passion and purpose can be combined to create meaningful change. As the event continues to grow, it promises to inspire many more to take up the paddle for a cause. (Text: Rob Cynowa / Photos by Joel Simpson of FireTower Media)

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Kim Barnes SUP Athlete Interview

The US has long lost its dominance in SUP Racing and race rankings are dominated by European flags. At the last two EURO TOUR races how ever we das stars and stripes on the podium for the first time in a while. It was Kim Barns who made 2nd at the Nordhausen SUP Race and 1st at the Namur SUP Race. The Namur race was a particular interesting win because Kim won against no other than Duna Gordillo on of the strongest athletes in recent years.

We had to reach out and find out more about Kim and what was going on at that race.

Aloha Kim, thank you very much for your time and congratulations for your outstanding performance. Before we jump into to SUP Racing can you introduce youself to our readers and your history in paddling?

Hello and thank you for your interest in my racing. I have been paddling for 11 years now. I started and still practice in Jupiter, Florida. Our community was very small when I began and now it is thriving with many paddlers.

That is awesome, are you just Stand Up Padding or are you doing other water-paddle sports?

I actually started racing OC6 this year, in addition to SUP racing. I also surf, Kiteboard, and wakeboard.

That is really cool you are an overall water women.

What sparked your interest to take the trip across the Atlantic and compete in the two EURO TOUR Races?

I have been watching the racing in Europe for the last few years. I loved the idea of being able to travel and race while I’m traveling in Europe. For me that seems like a win/win. I really wanted to head over for the Barcelona race in May, but work and home life dictated otherwise.

When I looked on the calendar and saw two races fairly close to each other, I though why not go?  I’m on summer break from teaching, so work was not going to be an issue and my family also had plans already while I was planning on going. So, it all just seemed to all work out.

I also, knew that the competition is really strong in Europe and I wanted to see how well I could do in a strong field.

Well it looks like you did really well. Can you tell us a bit more about your experience at the races?

I had a little experience racing with the top racers in Thailand last year, so this was a good test of my ability.

Nice and how was it over all? Would you go back and why?

The races were very well organized.  Belar and crew made the trek abroad less intimidating. The help with accommodations, travel directions and boards was incredible.

Absolutely! I would definitly go back and participate in the Euro Tour again! The luxury of traveling and paddling in different places is a dream come true.

That is so nice to hear. Yes, Belar built a great thing for SUP Races in Europe.

I agree 100% He has created a welcoming environment for all paddlers, Adults and kids, Armatures and Elite.

Now for all our race lovers out there, you beat Duna Gorillo. I don’t think many people saw that coming. Can you talk about that race for us for a moment? How heated was the competition on the racecourse? When did you race with her before?

Actually, it was the 3rd time I’ve raced with Duna. She is and incredible person and racer. In 2023 we raced the Carolina Cup together and we were in a draft train with Candice. With about 2 miles left she dropped off the train and that left Candice and I together. The 2nd time, was at ICF Worlds last year in Thailand and it was Espe, Duna, myself and Rika in a draft train for most of the race. At the last buoy, Espe took off and Duna took the buoy wide and I stayed closer to then sprint to the finish and claim 2nd behind Espe. Then the Namur race was our 3rd meeting. After the buoy turn Duna, Claudia and I were in a draft train with me leading. I decided to stay in the lead position until the finish. At some point Claudia fell of and that left Duna and I together. I was nervous because Duna is such a strong sprinter and smart racer, so I knew, the finish was going to come down to a sprint. I was just fortunate to have enough power to hold her off at the finish.

Showing the girls half her age the tail end of her board – Photo: EURO TOUR

During the race there was more competition the first couple miles with Claudia and I trying to stay in 2nd behind Duna. That was very exciting! But after the turn, I just stayed focused on keeping the lead.

Wow that is very cool and some strong racing. What makes it even more remarkable that you are a different generation than the other girls. What are your thoughts on that?

To be honest, I felt really old in Europe. LOL. I was so impressed with the youth racers and their strength and discipline. Hats off to their coaches! I am an older racer. The phrase “Past Your Prime” comes to mind. I really hope I am proving that statement isn’t true. I have a lot of obstacles in my life at my age. I think if I were younger, I could solely focus on SUP racing. For me it is a hobby that I love, but it isn’t my life.

In the US, we have older racers and I think creating a youth program, should be a focus.

I get it for many SUP Racing is a hobby rather than their full time thing and you are giving us a great transition here. Future and youth. What is your perspective on the Sport as a whole?

I think the sport is fantastic! I feel like there are pockets all over the world where it is doing better than others. In Europe youth and adult SUP racing is very strong, where the US use to be. It is a sport for any age which is the beauty of the sport. I really feel like the next step is getting SUP racing in the Olympics. That will create whole new driving force for SUP racing.

The SUP Sport started in Hawaii and the US mainland. Then the US lost all relevant race to Europe. Now with USA SUP things are getting revamped. What would you like to see as far as progressing the sport goes?

The US is such a big country, I believe the cost of traveling and getting equipment to different locations is the most challenging part. We need a Belar and Co. Personally, I’d love to see regional races, that can count towards a US ranking, in addition to the National race. I’d love to see a youth program developed in all regions, so there is a younger age group creating the competitive field. Maybe some sort of funding to help the US representatives get to some of the world races, so that were not having to get our own sponsorships and/or pay out of pocket for everything.

We have such a huge influx of new paddlers in our area and its wonderful! I would love to see more communities grow like our has.

Thank you very much, yes I can see that. Here at the Stand Up Magazin we feel that the competitive sport lacks a bit of structure giving ambitious paddlers a path forward. Series like the EURO TOUR can give such a path.

I agree. I feel like it is a lot of work to streamline racing in the US, but it is possible. It doesn’t mean that all races have to be a part of a “Tour”, but that there are races where people can turn their focus on in addition to their local events.

What are the next races for you?

I am heading to Canada for the Eastern Canadian Championships next weekend, then to South Carolina for the Goat Boater series and the Flying Fish Summer Challenge in July. In August most likely paddle OC6 at the Lanakila Iki Ocean Challenge. Then, I’ll head to Bay Bridge Paddle race and the Key West Classic in September, USA Nationals and Chattajack in October and The Nish Outrigger Challenge in November along with ICF Worlds In Sarasota.

That is great schedule, and we are looking forward to follow you along. Thank you so much for your time.

About Kim:

  • Born in New York grew up in Florida
  • Profession: Teacher
  • Year born: 1976
  • Supported by: Flying Fish – Quickblade
  • Outside of SUP: Family and Mountain Bike

Kim Barns track record

  • 2024. Namur SUP Race (ld) – 1. place
  • 2024. Nordhausen SUP Race (ld) – 2. place
  • 2024. Carolina Cup (ld) – 2. place
  • 2024. Blueline Surf & Paddle\’s Winter Series (ld) – 1. place
  • 2023. ICF SUP World Championships Pattaya (tr) – 10. place
  • 2023. ICF SUP World Championships Pattaya (ld) – 2. place
  • 2023. ICF SUP World Cup – Sarasota (s) – 2. place
  • 2023. ICF SUP World Cup – Sarasota (tr) – 4. place
  • 2023. ICF SUP World Cup – Sarasota (ld) – 2. place
  • 2023. Olukai Lowcountry Boil Paddle Battle (ld) – 1. place
  • 2023. Flying Fish Summer Challenge (ld) – 1. place
  • 2023. Belle Isle Classic (ld) – 1. place
  • 2023. Carolina Cup (ld) – 1. place
  • 2022. Chattajack 31 (ld) – 1. place
  • 2022. ICF World Cup Oklahoma (s) – 3. place
  • 2022. ICF World Cup Oklahoma (tr) – 3. place
  • 2022. ICF World Cup Oklahoma (ld) – 1. place
  • 2022. Belle Isle Classic (ld) – 1. place
  • 2022. Eastern Canada SUP Championships (ld) – 1. place
  • 2022. Carolina Cup (ld) – 2. place
  • 2021. Carolina CUP 2021 (ld) – 2. place
  • 2021. Chattajack 31 (ld) – 1. place
  • 2021. Key West Paddle Classic (ld) – 1. place
  • 2021. Bay Bridge Paddle (ld) – 1. place
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Fallmouth Bay Open SUP Race Results

The British National SUP Series held the Fallmouth Bay Open down in Cornwall. The winners in the longdistance race were Blue Ewer and Holly Pye. Both are known names in the UK as well as internationally. Holly Pye currently ranks number 18 on the SUP World Rankings with great results in the UK as well as an 8th place at the Battle for Hercules and a 4th at the Sprint Race the at Lake Rocks.

Behind Holly was Annabel Page current number 23 in the world. Her race history so far is limited to UK but we hope to see her on the international stage some time.

Blue Ewer is currently world number 4 with many great results this year. He participated at many EURO TOUR Races for example the Nordhausen SUP Race where he became 2nd. In the UK he also makes consistently podium at all the races.

Second was Hector Jessel current world number 29 who mostly competes in the UK except for the Battle of Hercules where he became 18th.

Women Longdistance

1Holly PyeOpen 18+11:45.2
2Annabel PageOpen 18+12:02.9+0:17.7
3Emily EvansOpen 18+13:08.5+1:23.3
4Marie BuchananOpen 18+16:15.9+4:30.7
5Verity Thomas40-49 Masters22:54.3+11:09.1
6Michelle Kimbler Open 18+23:26.4+11:41.2
7Natalie Rendle40-49 Masters24:04.3+12:19.1
8Louise Court40-49 Masters27:33.2+15:48.0
9Georgie PageNone 50-59 Veterans29:48.2+18:03.0
10Lydia Clifton 30-39 Seniors33:00.4+21:15.2
11Annabel Ewer50-59 Veterans38:25.7+26:40.5
12Gila Joffe50-59 Veterans42:43.4+30:58.2

Men Longdistance

1Blue Ewer Open 18+59:55.8
2Hector Jessel Open 18+03:05.6+3:09.8
3Damian WarnerOpen 18+04:00.0+4:04.2
4Glenn EldridgeOpen 18+07:18.1+7:22.3
5James Rowe Open 18+10:27.8+10:32.0
6Denzil Williams50-59 Veterans13:03.5+13:07.7
7Kiran Raval50-59 Veterans15:28.0+15:32.2
8Matt Brookes50-59 Veterans19:06.0+19:10.2
9Ollie Nawrat30-39 Seniors20:53.9+20:58.1
10Alexander Jessel 50-59 Veterans21:13.1+21:17.3
11Philip Sparkes50-59 Veterans21:31.9+21:36.1
12Tom Pryse-Davies Open 18+24:27.2+24:31.4
13Steve Lynn 60+ Grand Kahunas24:39.1+24:43.3
14Paul Drake50-59 Veterans25:54.6+25:58.8
15Eric Amada50-59 Veterans27:17.9+27:22.1
16Joseph JonesOpen 18+27:49.3+27:53.5
17Andrew Halliday40-49 Masters27:57.0+28:01.2
18Gregory Adams50-59 Veterans28:15.5+28:19.7
19Hugh Pryse-Davies 60+ Grand Kahunas30:53.5+30:57.7
20Marcel Hiemstra40-49 Masters32:05.0+32:09.2
21Francis Mobbs 30-39 Seniors42:58.0+43:02.2
22Kevin Jackson60+ Grand Kahunas47:47.9+47:52.1
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Battle of the Bay SUP Race Results

All photos by @toms_beachlife

With the many races going on in Europe this summer many might wonder what race was the place to be. Right now it looks like that the Battle of the Bay in Bournemouth was that race. The British National Series race attracted the current World SUP Ranking number one athlete Donato Freens to compete against Englands best.

Longdistance is Donatos strong suit and he defeated Englands number one paddler Blue Ewer by 32 seconds. As far as we can tell from the race times the rest of the field was pretty much left far behind as the 3rd on the podium Arthur Arutkin from France was almost 4 minutes behind.

Men Longdistance Top 20

1Donato Freens NED1:02:57
2Blue EwerGBR1:03:29+0:32.4
3Arthur ArutkinFRA1:06:55+3:58.0
4Hector JesselGBR1:07:07+4:10.0
5Bastian GrimmGER1:09:19+6:21.9
6James RoweGBR1:14:55+11:58.7
7Pete Holliday GBR1:15:11+12:14.8
8Ryan JamesGBR1:17:57+15:00.7
9Denzil WilliamsGBR1:18:21+15:24.4
10Dave EwerGBR1:20:12+17:15.1
11Nick WattGBR1:20:39+17:42.0
12Adam StilingGBR1:21:00+18:03.7
13Kiran RavalGBR1:21:59+19:02.0
14Jonathan SherwinGBR1:22:15+19:18.2
15Saviour Aquilina GBR1:22:37+19:40.9
16Scott BrownGBR1:22:48+19:51.6
17Simon NashGBR1:23:41+20:44.6
18Scott WarrenGBR1:25:01+22:04.6
19Chris Macdonald GBR1:25:02+22:05.5
20Andy JoyceGBR1:27:03+24:06.5

On the ladies side Annabel Page who is a lesser known name in the SUP World won pretty clear over two British household names: Ginnie Betts and Holly Pye. Ginnie Betts is currently ranking world number 14 and has all podiums at the British National Series, as well as a 10th place at the SUP Spring Race. Never the less she was almost one and a half minute behind Annabel.

Ladies Longdistance Top 10

1Annabel Page GBR1:17:24
2Ginnie Betts GBR1:18:53+1:28.4
3Holly PyeGBR1:20:03+2:38.5
4Verity ThomasGBR1:26:53+9:29.1
5Julie Smith GBR1:27:20+9:56.3
6Louise CourtGBR1:27:33+10:08.9
7Sarah PerkinsGBR1:27:39+10:15.0
8Lydia Clifton GBR1:32:21+14:57.1
9Julia KuletaGBR1:35:20+17:56.1
10Claire Terry GBR1:37:59+20:34.7

Tech Race Men

Blue Ewer and Donato Freens traded spots in the Tech. Race although it looks like they were splitting hairs. Arthur Arutkin remains 3rd and behind him the ranks look almost the same like in the longdistance race.

1Blue EwerGBR17:32.7
2Donato Freens NED17:34.7+0:02.0
3Arthur ArutkinFRA17:36.2+0:03.5
4Hector JesselGBR18:31.2+0:58.5
5Bastian GrimmGER18:52.4+1:19.7
6James RoweGBR19:51.8+2:19.1
7Dawid KuletaGBR21:30.4+3:57.7
8Denzil WilliamsGBR21:35.1+4:02.4
9Kiran RavalGBR21:59.6+4:26.9
10Jonathan SherwinGBR22:13.5+4:40.8

Ladies Tech. Race

Once again Annabel Page came out on top of Holly Pye and Ginnie Betts with a 2 second lead to Holly and a smoking 46 seconds over Ginnie. We wonder what happened there, but unless we were at the race we would never know.

1Annabel Page GBR20:55.7
2Holly PyeGBR20:58.5+0:02.8
3Ginnie Betts GBR21:42.5+0:46.8
4Julie Smith GBR23:04.9+2:09.2
5Verity ThomasGBR23:06.7+2:11.0
6Lydia Clifton GBR23:59.9+3:04.2
7Louise CourtGBR24:06.2+3:10.5
8Sarah PerkinsGBR24:13.6+3:17.9
9Claire Terry GBR24:32.4+3:36.7
10Sara MaxeyGBR25:10.3+4:14.6

All results by

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Hawaii Downwind Race Series

Koa Kai Tripple Crown combines Paddle IMUA – M2O – M2M

The month of July has been traditionally THE Downwind Month in Hawaii. It started back in 2008 when Downwind SUP Racing became popular on Maui. It was a time when the world of SUP came to meet in Hawaii to race the famous 9 mile course where SUP racing actually started: The Maliko Run.

Hawaii had a strong turnout of SUP Athletes year after year as the ocean racing community kept growing. Back then then pinnacle of SUP Racing was the famous M2O and its shorter version the M2M. The run of strong SUP Races kept going until about 2018/19 when slowly but surely the foil started to take over and the busy European SUP Race Schedule started to suck the athletes away from the Hawaiian waters. Then Covid came and the M2O was not held for 3 years. In that time the development of Downwind Foiling was on over drive as the foil took the downwind community by storm.

Now the M2O is going into its 2nd Post-Covid race, the demand for Downwind Foiling became that big that the M2O organizers were forced to split the races into two weekend. The M2M was sold out in less than one hour with one hundred participants and many waitlisted. To give the Hawaii Downwind Month of July more weight this year the organizers of the Paddle IMUA, the M2O and the M2M have joined forces and crated the Koa Kai Tripple Crown.

There is no price money but lots of prestige. Athletes have to participate in all three races and the winner will be crowned at the awards ceremony after the M2O.

Stay tuned for lots of great content as Hawaii once again is leading the Downwind SUP Foil Trend.

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SUP World Rankings Weekly Top Ten

It’s time again to look at the weekly SUP Top Ten list. While most of the world was looking at the Longdistance Race “Paddle for Hercules” in Andalusia, there were actually some other races that made an impact to the SUP World Rankings.

Pretty much all of Italy paddled at the Trasimeno SUP Race, they held Longdistance and a Tech. Race. We are glad Tibor Hasulyo is paying attention and is adding races to the rankings that are lesser know but have a great local turn out.

Same thing in Brazil, there was a race last weekend, the “Ultimate Paddle Brasil” this race did not much to shuffle to many positions but it did enough for us to see some unknown names making an appearance in the Worlds Top Ten list.

Men Longdistance

Despite not winning the Paddle for Hercules, Donato Freens remains on top of the list. The winner of that race, Aaron Sanchez only paddled in this race so far and the points of this medium rated race were not enough to get him into the Top 10. The biggest jump came from Thomas Dusart who became 2nd at a small race in France. However, with 5 races completed this season the 2nd place there was enough to move up 4 spots.

RankNameNationPointsRacesLast ResultChange
1Donato FreensNED1570.0542. Battle for Hercules
2Thomas DusartFRA968.652. Amiens Paddle Race↑ 4
3Normen WeberGER863.5634. Spring SUP Race↓ 1
4Rai TaguchiJPN863.221. Sprint SUP Race↓ 1
5Antonio MorilloESP828.6323. Battle for HerculesNEW
6Ludovic TeuladeFRA815.2426. Spring SUP Race↓ 2
7Bode von AllmenUSA797.8543. Dana Ocean Challenge↓ 2
8Filippo MercurialiITA770.3631. Trasimeno SUP RaceNEW
9Ricardo RossiITA714.3233. Trasimeno SUP Race↑ 1
10Danny ChingUSA697.231. Dana Ocean Challenge↓ 3

Women Longdistance

At this time the women Top 10 does not quite look how we were used to it from last year. Right now it is Laura Quetglas who is leading the pack. But Petronalla van Malsen is having a good season. After her win that the GlaGla Race, she won the Rondje Haarleem race which is part of the Belgium SUP Tour. Cecilia Pampinella also jumps up 4 spots, she won the Longdistance at the Trasimeno SUP Race.

After that, we do not see too many exciting moves in the list. The season is young and big names like Duna Gordillo or Esperanza Barreras have not arrived yet. One name to look out for this season, given she will be racing more, is Alba Frey. She is not on he list yet but won the “Battle for Hercules”, but the points from that one race are not enough yet to make the Top 10.

We are hoping the women’s Longdistance competition for 2024 shapes up as suspenseful as it was in 2023.

RankNameNationPointsRacesLast ResultChange
1Laura QuetglasESP532.5324. Battle for Hercules↑  3
2Petronella van MalsenNED428.521. Rondje Haarleem BeNe SUP Tour↑ 6
3Samantha EastburnUSA406.2242. Dana Ocean Challenge↓ 2
4Juliette DuHaimeARG405.7521. ProSayulita SUP Open↓ 2
5Cecilia PampinellaITA404.7221. Trasimeno SUP Race↑  4
6Soryn PrestonUSA402.0531. Dana Ocean Challenge↓ 3
7Jessica MatosBRA381.2521. Ultimate Paddle BrazilNEW
8Vira LemekhaUKR373.635. Trasimeno SUP Race↓ 2
9Lia VenturelliITA368.9232. Trasimeno SUP Race↑  1
10Kunthong SupatchayaTHA316.221. SUP Addict Champ.↓ 1

Tech. Race Men

Once again we have Donato Freens on top of the list, but the Italians were busy with the Trasimeno SUP Race shaking up the rankings from the SUP Spring Race. If we continue to have a busy season with Tech. Races this category may surprise us with new names being present permanently in the Top 10. All the movement behind Donato Freens stems from the Trasimeno SUP Race and the one race in Brazil.

RankNameNationPointsRacesLast ResultChange
1Donato FreensNED954.0223. Spring SUP Race
2Filippo MercurialiITA760.922. Trasimeno SUP Race↑ 1
3Ricardo RossiITA622.8821. Trasimeno SUP Race↑ 4
4Rai TaguchiJPN616.811. Spring SUP Race↓ 2
5Tomasso PampinellaITA542.927. Trasimeno SUP Race↓ 1
6Filippo AlbertiITA416.626. Trasimeno SUP RaceNEW
7Cameron TripneyRSA416.3414. Srping SUP Race↓ 2
8Zeno SzaboHUN413.4825. Trasimeno SUP RaceNEW
9Arthur SantacreuBRA385.72211. Ultimate Paddle BrasilNEW
10Christian AndersenDEN379.611. ProSayulita SUP Open↓ 4

Tech. Race Women

Cecilia Pampinella won the Trasimeno SUP Race and is now 100 points in the lead. We see a big move from Jessica Matos your 2nd place in Brazil. Her other race was the Aloha Spirit Festival where she won the Tech. Race. This is the first big move of a racer collecting points from races outside of Europe. As of right now we do not see a clear trend in this category. This might all come down to which organizers choose to hold Tech. Races at their events.

RankNameNationPointsRacesLast ResultChange
1Cecilia PampinellaITA543.521. Trasimeno SUP Race↑ 1
2Paris KatnissUSA431.7722. Spring SUP Race↓ 1
3Jessica MatosBRA341.222. Ultimate Paddle Brazil↑ 7
4Lemekha ViraUKR320.1624. Trasimano SUP Race↑ 1
5Cieplinska MalgorzataPOL297.511. GlaGla↓ 1
6Laura QuetglasESP246.7213. Spring SUP Race↓ 2
7Juliette DuHaimeARG237.2511. ProSayulita SUP Open↓ 1
8Marta ApanasewiczPOL200.4614. Spring SUP Race↓ 1
9Lena RiberioBRA200.2411. Ultimate Paddle BrasilNEW
10Zusanna TylingoPOL190.413. GlaGla↓ 2

Sprint Race Men

Sprint is the most under rated race category. There fore we have not much movement in this list. Filippo Mercuriali holds on to the top as the only one with 2 races. His first result was his victory at the Florence Paddle Games. The two newcomers in the top then here are the guys from Brazil. Who know maybe the we will see more sprint races in South America than in Europe.

RankNameNationPointsRacesLast ResultChange
1Filippo MercurialiITA718.0223. Spring SUP Race
2Cameron TripneyRSA616.811. Spring SUP Race
3Normen WeberGER539.712. Spring SUP Race
4Sergio CantoralESP416.3414. Spring SUP Race
5Iwai SotaJPN370.0815. Spring SUP Race
6Rai TaguchiJPN339.2416. Spring SUP Race
7David LeaoBRA320.411. Ultimate Paddle BrasilNEW
8Doukas PhaedonGRE308.417. Spring SUP Race↓1
9Arthur SantacreuBRA280.3512. Ultimate Paddle BrasilNEW
10Samuel PeskaCZE277.5618. Spring SUP Race↓2

Sprint Race Women

All women in the top 10 have one race under their belt and that was the ICF sanctioned Spring SUP Race. We have just like on the men side new names in the list coming from Brazil.

RankNameNationPointsRacesLast ResultChange
1Cecilia PampinellaITA385.511. Spring SUP Race
2Susak MolineroESP308.412. Spring SUP Race
3Kyriaki LogothetiGRE246.7213. Spring SUP Race
4Sabine FischerSUI200.4614. Spring SUP Race
5Jessica MatosBRA200.2511. Ultimate Paddle BrasiNEW
6Roseli NovloskiBRA160.212. Ultimate Paddle BrasilNEW
7Marta ApanasewiczPOL154.215. Spring SUP Race↓ 2
8Candice ApplebyUSA13111. Afterglow Series 1↓ 2
9Lena RiberoBRA128.1613. Ultimate Paddle BrasilNEW
10Maria MettaITA123.3616. Spring SUP Race↓ 3
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SUP World Rankings Season 2024 Start

SUP Race enthusiast have been waiting for this moment: The start of the highly anticipated Stand Up Magazin Top Ten List by SWR.

We just finished the last weekend with the Spring SUP Race where some but by far not all of the known names competed in an ICF sanctioned race that held all 3 SUP disciplines: Longdistance, Tech. and Sprint. There is not much movement yet but some of the known names are on the score board and some other lesser known names too.

Next weekend we are looking at the Battle for Hercules in Spain. We are sure the field will be shuffled quite a bit as we may anticipate for the Spanish SUP Elite to show up for this race.

Men Longdistance

Just like in 2023 Donato Freens is very busy with his race schedule and his second place in Italy got him into the first place. Normen Weber who is probably easy 20 years older than Donato keeps up quite well. He finished 4th in Italy against many young guns. The name to look for here is Ray Taguchi, we have serious doubts that Rai jumped on a plane and flew back to Japan after this race. Is he spending the SUP Summer in Europe? Or was is visit in Italy at quick stop in Europe? We will know soon.

RankNameNationPointsRacesLast ResultChange
1Donato FreensNED1174.232. Spring SUP Race↑ 3
2Normen WeberGER863.5634. Spring SUP Race↑ 8
3Rai TaguchiJPN863.221. Sprint SUP RaceNEW
4Ludovic TeuladeFRA815.2426. Spring SUP Race↑ 3
5Bode von AllmenUSA797.8543. Dana Ocean Challenge↓ 5
6Thomas DusartFRA758.645. Mays SUP Race 53NEW
7Danny ChingUSA697.231. Dana Ocean Challenge↓ 4
8Joep van BakelNED582.0532. Winter Cup Kempen↓ 3
9Natapat KomanTHA553.822. SUP Addict Champ.↓ 3
10Ricardo RossiITA518.425. Sprint SUP RaceNEW

Women Longdistance

The points collected at the Spring SUP Race were not enough to change the current podium for the women. But when looking at the points distribution, then it becomes clear that if it look Samantha Eastburn 4 races to get to her points and Laura Quetglas only one to get to hers, that US races don’t weigh as much as European ones. We anticipate big changes to this list after the Battle for Hercules this weekend.

RankNameNationPointsRacesLast ResultChange
1Samantha EastburnUSA406.2242. Dana Ocean Challenge
2Juliette DuHaimeARG405.7521. ProSayulita SUP Open
3Soryn PrestonUSA402.0531. Dana Ocean Challenge
4Laura QuetglasESP385.511. Spring SUP RaceNEW
5Kunthong SupatchayaTHA316.221. SUP Addict Champ.↓ 1
6Vira LemekhaUKR310.422. Florence Paddle Games↓ 1
7Susak MolineroESP308.412. Spring SUP RaceNEW
8Petronella van MalsenNED297.511. GlaGla↓ 3
9Cecilia PampinellaITA246.7213. Spring SUP RaceNEW
10Lia VenturelliITA242.5227. Spring SUP RaceNEW

Men Tech. Race

Once again Donato Freens is leading the charge with the most races, but if Rai sticks around in Europe Donato will have to work hard for his lead.

RankNameNationPointsRacesLast ResultChange
1Donato FreensNED954.0223. Spring SUP Race
2Rai TaguchiJPN616.811. Spring SUP RaceNEW
3Filippo MercurialiITA539.712. Spring SUP RaceNEW
4Tomasso PampinellaITA416.512. GlaGla↓ 2
5Cameron TripneyRSA416.3414. Srping SUP RaceNEW
6Christian AndersenDEN379.611. ProSayulita SUP Open↓ 3
7Ricardo RossiITA370.0815. Spring SUP RaceNEW
8Leo NikaITA368.913. GlaGla↓ 4
9Ludovic TeuladeFRA339.2416. Spring SUP RaceNEW
10Itzel DelgadoPER332.1512. Pro Sayulita SUP Open↓ 5

Women Tech. Race

We do not recognize many of the names in this list. We see Cecilia Pampinella paddling strong. With Paris Katniss from the US we might have a dark horse on our hands here. Paris last race was in Mexico at the ProSayulita SUP Open were she was 4th. Who know maybe we have new name to look out for from the US. Time will tell.

RankNameNationPointsRacesLast ResultChange
1Paris KatnissUSA431.7722. Spring SUP Race↑  8
2Cecilia PampinellaITA385.511. Spring SUP RaceNEW
3Cieplinska MalgorzataPOL297.511. GlaGla↓ 2
4Laura QuetglasESP246.7213. Spring SUP RaceNEW
5Lemekha ViraUKR23812. GlaGla↓ 3
6Duhaime JulietteARG237.2511 ProSayulita SUP Open↓ 3
7Marta ApanasewiczPOL200.4614. Spring SUP RaceNEW
8Zusanna TylingoPOL190.413. GlaGla↓ 4
9Sofia FinerMEX189.812. ProSayulita SUP Open↓ 4
10Jessica MatosBRA18111. Aloha Spirit FestivalNEW

Men Sprint

Besides for Filippo Mercuriali this was pretty much a season opener he already won the sprint race at the Florence Paddle Games but the points there were so low that all the other racers from that race were not able to hold on to their position after the Spring SUP Race. Since SUP Sprints seem to be the least favorite race category we don’t anticipate for this list to change anytime soon.

RankNameNationPointsRacesLast ResultChange
1Filippo MercurialiITA718.0223. Spring SUP Race
2Cameron TripneyRSA616.811. Spring SUP RaceNEW
3Normen WeberGER539.712. Spring SUP RaceNEW
4Sergio CantoralESP416.3414. Spring SUP RaceNEW
5Iwai SotaJPN370.0815. Spring SUP RaceNEW
6Rai TaguchiJPN339.2416. Spring SUP RaceNEW
7Doukas PhaedonGRE308.417. Spring SUP RaceNEW
8Samuel PeskaCZE277.5618. Spring SUP RaceNEW
9Antonio MorilloESP246.7219. Spring SUP RaceNEW
10Linus KarlssonSWE215.88110. Spring SUP RaceNEW

Women Sprint

This list pertty much represents the top results from the Spring SUP Race. We have three American ladies still in this race and recognize one of the OGs in the SUP Sport, Candice Appleby. Its great to see she is racing mostly in California. It sure would be great to see her sometime join some races in Europe.

RankNameNationPointsRacesLast Result
1Cecilia PampinellaITA385.511.Spring SUP Race
2Susak MolineroESP308.412. Spring SUP Race
3Kyriaki LogothetiGRE246.7213. Spring SUP Race
4Sabine FischerSUI200.4614. Spring SUP Race
5Marta ApanasewiczPOL154.215. Spring SUP Race
6Candice ApplebyUSA13111. Afterglow Series 1
7Maria MettaITA123.3616. Spring SUP Race
8Samantha EastburnUSA104.812. Afterglow Series 1
9Laura QuetglasESP92.5217. Spring SUP Race
10Lindsay WeidnerUSA83.8413. Afterglow Series 1
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SUP World Rankings Update after the ISA SUP Races

It is getting late in the year but the SUP Season is far from over. We concluded the first SUP World Championships in a series of three organizations who claim SUP World Titles. In the meanwhile we have been keeping track all year round of a unified system that keeps track of SUP races around the globe based on mathematics. We believe, even if its not completely flaw less, this system is by far the best the SUP Race community can get.

With that being said we don’t want to take away from the athletes accomplishments. For example Shrimpy who just made it back into the top 10 with only 4 races on to board. Shrimpy has been in and out of the top 10 since the APP race in Spain. Compare this for example with Manuel Lauble with 11 races, Shrimpy is only 424 points behind, but has 7 races less. Imagine Shrimpy showing up for a European SUP Summer. He be dominating everybody on this list. This is why we still need a unified and agreed upon SUP Tour that everybody goes so the race count of these athletes is not all over the place. The APP has been trying to do that since day one but sadly had not figured out how to gain the loyalty of the international SUP community, but that is another topic for the season finale.

Now lets celebrate the new entries and amazing performance from all the SUP athletes out there.

Men Longdistance

As mentioned all the newcomers stem from the ISA, except Manuel Lauble who racked up some local results in Germany. Normen Weber is German Champion and 1. at the Bavarian Waters SUP race that gave him the points needed to move in 2nd place. Despite Donato Freens 13th place in the ISA he will be very had to catch unless he sits out the ICF SUP Worlds and Normen makes podium, but even that wont be enough, he would have to do really good in Paris in December as well with Donato not being there.

RankName CountryRacesPoints Change
1Donato FreensNED133872.97
2Normen WeberGER102886.68↑1
3Christian AndersenDEN82602.25↓1
4Manuel LaubleGER112493.44NEW
5Bruno HasulyoHUN72493.44
6Michael BoothAUS62252.18
7Ludovic TeuladeFRA62237.45↓3
8Noic GarioudFRA42180.56NEW
9Blue EwerUK72171.46↑1
10Shuri ArakiJPN42069.2NEW

Women Longdistance

The ladies competitive SUP is much better to follow than the men. The women top 4 pretty much fall in line with the ISA Worlds. Esperanza Barreras ramains the undisputed worlds number one. Despite her 2nd place at the ISA Duna remains in 4th position as she is missing out on one race. Sadly Mariecarmen Rivera did not make the cut she sure would deserve it after her great showing, but she is just not present enough to get into the top ten. For now she remains on rank 16.

RankName CountryRacesPoints Change
1Esperanza BarrerasESP92895.8
2Anna TschirkySUI122628.64
3Cecilia PampinellaITA92206.77
4Duna GordilloESP82018.45
5Tanja EckerGER71144.67↑1
6Candice ApplebyUSA61009.55↓1
7Emma Freja PedersenDEN7913.89
8Claudia PostiglioneITA6885.89
9Iona RivetFRA6829.56NEW
10Petronella Van MalsenNL5824.21↓1

Men Tech. Race

We notice here that the race count in this category is way lower than in the longdistance, therefore Shrimpys 1st place has moved him right into rank two. Christian Andersen has twice as many races as Shrimpy, one more race and Shrimpy could move to the top. Lets see what happens next month in Thailand. Noic also made the list with his 2nd place in France but he has one race less than Shrimpy. We can now all look forward to the ICF Tech. Races that for sure will look a bit different than the ISA.

1Christan AndersenDEN82710.93
2Shuri ArakiJPN42225.65NEW
3Connor BaxterUSA42016.8↓2
4Ollie HoughtonNZL61786.65↑1
5Davide AlpinoITA61758↓3
6Noic GarioudFRA31599.9NEW
7Donato FreensNL61570.18↓1
8Blue EwerUK61490.18↑2
9Fernando PerezESP51467.32↓2
10Claudio NikaITA51467.32↓2

Women Tech. Race

Esperanza dethroned Cecilia Pampinella. These two been going back and forth all year long. Sadly Cecilia did not do too good in France. Her 10th place and Espes win did set them apart by many points now. Mariecarmen Rivera and Melanie Lafenetre both came into the top 10 with their podium placement at the ISA.

1Esperanza BarrerasESP72016.73↑1
2Cecilia PampinellaITA81526.13↓1
3Juliette DuhaimeARG51334.44
4Anna TschirkySUI61035.8↑1
5Caroline KuntzelDEN4970.19↓1
6Marie Carmen RiveraPUR6881.26NEW
7Melanie LafenetreFRA3853.8NEW
8Fiona WyldeUSA3831.8↓2
9Claudia PostiglioneITA6773.27↓2
10Duna GordilloESP3749.3↓3

Sprint men

If you look at the race count of the athletes you can clearly tell that we have a lack of sprint races in this world. Why race organizers shy away makes no sense to us here at the Stand Up Magazin.

Christian Andersens disappointing final miss, still gave him the push to move to the top, but by a really slim margin ahead of Claudio Nika who was third. In fact if you look from rank 2 to 4 its the ISA podium in reverse. Unfortunately the final 4th did not make top 10: Aaron Sanchez 397.98 point for that one race were not enough. This circumstance allows us to compare his score with Filippo Meruriali who also has only one race but 504 points. Filippo won the Agios race in Greece. That race must have ranked higher in the scale. We might speculate that has to do with the fact that the ISA does not pay price money and the race in Greece was an ICF World Cup with a big prize purse.

1Christan AndersenDEN2800.16↑6
2Claudio NikaITA2773.74NEW
3Ollie HoughtonNZL2713.65NEW
4Noic GarioudFRA1589.6NEW
5Andrey KraitorBUL1576↓5
6Itzel DelgadoPER2571.65NEW
7Ondej PetrakCZE3535.04↑1
8Matyas SoukupCZE3506.93↓6
9Linus KarlssonSWE2506.93↓6
10Filippo MercurialiITA1504↓6

Sprint women

The women sprint rankings are a bit all over the place. We did see many sprint races in eastern Europe and with the lack of participation of the well known paddlers this list was and still is dominated by eastern European ladies. The ISA event has now created a bit of a mix. It would have been great to see Linda Syrovatkova racing in France to find out how she stands against the rest of the field.

1Linda SyrovatkovaCZE5523.42
2Caroline KuntzelDEN2507.4↑1
3Cecilia PampinellaITA2479.62↑1
4Iva DundovaCZE3452.25↓3
5Marta ApanasewiczPOL2404.95↓2
6Melanie LafenetreFRA1368.5NEW
7Lucie RaabCZE5302.1↓2
8Mariecarmen RiveraPUR1294.8NEW
9Anna TschirkySUI2262.6NEW
10Skadi LangbeinGER2251.4↓3

ISA recap


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Adria SUP Challenge new racing event

A new event in the SUP Alps Trophy

Photos: Uroš Kekuš Kleva

SUP enthusiasts of the NNN club (“Do something for the nature”) from Koper – Capodistria, Slovenia port town on the Adriatic coast near the Italian border, organized an Adria Sup Challenge (ASC) event, an international SUP competition on September 2nd and 3rd within the legendary SUP racing cup – SUP Alps Trophy, a competition with the longest tradition in Europe.

More than 110 participants from eight European countries and Thailand gathered in the Water Sports Center in Koper to show their sup performances on the waters of the Bay of Koper. The ASC organizing team has set interesting racing courses for the 12 km long distance race (4 laps of 3,0 km) and the 2,5km lap for technical race.

Among the participants we find well-known faces of top European sup competitors according to world rankings, winners of European sup competitions and finalists of the last ICF World Championship in Poland, Normen Weber from Germany and Hermann Huslein, Thailand.

The SUP Alps Trophy series events connects well-known tourist destinations in Austria, Germany and now also in Slovenia. This year, Adria Sup Challenge (ASC) event was accepted into the SUP Alps Trophy family as a new member. This SUP event is the only SUP Alps Trophy competition on the “sunny side of the Alps,” and the only one on the waters of Adriatic Sea. During two competition days, more than 110 sup paddlers competed in seven races on the waters of the Bay of Koper. Racing courses took place in front of the city beach filled with crowds of spectators and fans. The best elite paddlers tested their SUP skills in the longdistance race 12km, the recreational paddlers in the 3km fun race, and the kids (U12) on the 1km track.

In the men’s 12km distance race the strong international competition dictated a very sharp paddling pace from the first stroke and thus, with high temperatures and high humidity, have created difficult competition conditions for the competitors. Multiple winner of SUP competitions on Europe sup races, Normen Weber (Germany) and Hermann Huslein (Thailand), immediately took the lead and seized control of the race in their hands, who could only be followed by Vasilis Samniotis (Greece) in third place. After a fierce fight in the last turn and a long sprint to the finish, Normen Weber crossed the finish line first, ahead of Huslein and Samniotis.

In the women’s categories on 12 km long distance cours, the 16 years old Csillag Kocsis (Hungary), showed extraordinary performance, SUP skills and paddling technique and she was undoubtedly in a class of her own. An incredible performance was also shown by Naja Pinterič (Slovenia), otherwise the European junior champion in kayak, who competed for the first time at such international sup competition and for the first time in the elite category. She beat in a close finish sprint the multiple Slovenian national champion Maja Dolžan, who took the third place.


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Kids Race also found a place in the ASC event. The youngest (U12) showed all their sup knowledge and skills and they easily completed the 1000m course. There is no better view than a racing course full of youthful energy, intransigence and an enviable level of sup paddling.

Also competition in the “fun category”, where a large number of recreational paddlers tested their strength on a 3km course was set up. They showed their paddling skills and combativeness and proved that even with inflatable paddleboards is possible to be fast, very fast. After crossing the finish line and returning to shore, obvious fatigue was visible among the competitors but also big smiles on their faces. They got a huge round of applause from the spectators and other ASC competitors on the shore – all became winners of the ASC fun race.

On the second day of the ASC competition, the organizers prepared a 2.5 km lap for the technical race.

In the beginning of the racing day the men racers competed in two qualification heats on the 5km technical race course (2 laps) and after the women’s final race in the final short course race of 2.5 km (1 lap) sprint technical paddling battle. The first 5 according to places from the each qualifying group went directly to the finals + 6 paddlers by time. The ladies competed only in one race – the 5km final race, as only 15 women took part in the technical race.

Within the ASC technical race, Slovenian paddlers also competed for the titles of Slovenian national champions.

In the qualifications and in the final short sprint men’s “technical race”, sharp sports fight for positions immediately took place on the competition field of the Bay of Koper. The absolute fastest in the final, after a stunning paddling performance, was once again Normen Weber (Germany), who overtook Vasilis Samniotis from Greece and Hermann Husslein (Thailand) in a sharp extended finish sprint.

Among the girls, young Csillag Kocsis (Hungary) once again demonstrated her superiority. She crossed the finish line first with a 4:25 minute advantage. Naja Pinterič Slovenian kayaking champion and the hope of the Slovenian women’s stand up paddling, took second place again. The bronze medal was won by Penny Tsaoutou (Greece) after a sharp fight with Maja Dolžan (Slovenia).

The technical race also gave us new national champions of Slovenia.

Patrik Šime Olič (Keka, Portorož) was the fastest in the men’s category, and became the new Slovenian national champion on “home waters” of the Bay of Koper. This time, he was stronger than Luka Kožar (Supklub, Ljubljana) and Tomaž Jensterle (Supklub, Ljubljana).

Naja Pintarič (ŠD Pemupi, Brežice) is by achieving 2nd place overall in the Sup Alps Trophy technical race, also became the new national champion of Slovenia in the technical discipline. Maja Dolžan (Supklub, Ljubljana) took the second place, while Natalija Fon Boštjančič (Supklub, Ljubljana) won the bronze medal.

The Adria SUP Challenge event took place at the extraordinary location of the Water Sports Center in Žusterna and on waters of Bay of Koper.  Event location Water Sports Center in Žusterna is connected to  historic city center of Koper by the coastal promenade, a walking path among the Mediterranean greenery and a beautiful city beach, where hundreds of swimmers and spectators gathered to watch the ASC sup races. The water sports center is equipped with all the infrastructure for water activities, which enabled the ASC organizers to hold a really nice sports event. Despite worse weather forecasts and the threat of a stronger wind, the weather was “quite kind” to the organizers and paddlers, so that despite the high temperature and humidity, the sup competitors had ideal competition conditions.

In the evening, the competitors enjoyed in hospitality of the ASC organizetional team and later explored the Mediterranean vibe of the city of Koper. The Port of Koper gives the city of Koper a touristic pulse, where Cruise ships often stop on their journey around the Mediterranean. There is also a sports marina, many pleasant bars and restaurants and historical sights of Istrian architecture.

The 1st edition of Adria Sup Challenge event proved to be a superbly organized and competitively successful sports event, which places Slovenia and City of Koper on the international SUP map. Thus, the city of Koper, as a tourist and sports destination, is more and more decisively positioned alongside internationally recognized tourist destinations.

The gathered SUP Alps Trophy family and the guests of the ASC event, gave the organizers ASC TEAM a long round of applause for all their diligence, professionalism, efforts and hospitality, and they made a promise the organizers that they would definitely return to Koper for the 2nd edition of ASC sup event next year.

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ICF announces date for Stand Up Paddling World Championships

The 2023 International Canoe Federation Stand Up Paddling World Championships will be held in Pattaya, Thailand, from November 15-19.

The ICF confirmed the Thai beach destination will host the season-ending event over five days of festivities both on and off the water. The ICF will soon announce details of a series of events especially designed for recreational and amateur paddlers, which will run alongside the elite competitions for the world’s best athletes.

The ICF is set to confirm an exciting year of SUP events, with up to six events leading into the world championships and a world cup in Sarasota, Florida, the venue for the 2024 and 2026 ICF world titles.

Several of the events will offer qualification pathways for the ICF World Championships, although competitors will also be able to qualify in Pattaya. The ICF will also once again team up with the popular North American Carolina Cup event.

“We are thrilled this year to provide even more opportunities for the planet’s best stand up paddleboarders to compete in world-class events,” ICF SUP committee chair, Noemi Horvath, said.

“We are taking the sport to exciting venues on three continents, which will provide great opportunities for paddlers from all corners of the globe. And our world championships this year will be a real festival of SUP, providing events for paddlers of all levels, and a feist of activities both on and off the water.

As always our focus will be on growing the sport. Our development programs have been very successful and will once again be an important part of this year’s calendar. And we will continue to look at ways to make SUP more accessible for athletes around the world.”

The full ICF SUP calendar is set to be released later this month, and will include nomination details and any assistance the ICF will be able to offer participants.

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boot Preview F2 at the Beachworld

Also this year F2 will be present at boot 2023. The German-based company is internationally active and presents its novelties there. At the booth you can find a wide range of SUP boards, kite, wing, sails, windsurf boards and accessories. This time the focus is on the newly optimized e-fin. In addition, a test at the pool with the current E-SRFR will take place on site.

Booth F2 Fun&Function GmbH, Hall 17, 17C05, 17C11 & 17D61

The F2 E-Fin

What the pedelec does for the e-bike, the F2 does for its new e-fin. The special thing about it is that it recognizes when you start paddling. Every paddle stroke into the water is supported with a decent power boost. Of course, the F2 E-fin also has a manual mode in which the power can be regulated continuously in continuous operation. The regulator unit is designed in such a way that it can be optimally attached to the paddle while surfing and cruising or simply held in the hand. The F2 E-fin comes with a US box and slotbox adapter and can therefore be easily mounted on all types of equipment. Not only SUPs, but also surfboards, kayaks and small inflatable boats can be equipped with it, offering a faster and more power-saving ride. The F2 E-fin has an all-in design, which means no external battery or even cables, just fin and radio controller.


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We love surfing! Of course we don’t want to say goodbye to the classic surf style but our brand new F2 E-Surfer is just too tempting for us not to chase it through the North Sea. Equipped with a whopping 4.5 kW and a runtime of up to 60 minutes, our motor comes from German craftsmanship and was made with a lot of care and love for the sport.
Air into the board – start the engine – let’s go!

New Collection in our Ladyline

F2 „Tropical“

The new F2 Tropical expands from 2023, next to the “Happiness” Line our Ladylines. The F2 Tropical SUP forms the basis as a solid all-round SUP with optimal
optimal performance for the ambitious beginner to the experienced SUP rider.
The Tropical Line offers here the possibility to complete his outfit with the matching accessories such as paddle or wetsuit from the Tropical Line.

Board: 10,0‘
Length: 305 cm
Width: 80 cm
Thickness: 15 cm
Finns: 2 fix Softfinns
1 entfernbare US-Box Center Finne

Board: 10,5‘
Length: 320 cm
Width: 80 cm
Thickness: 15 cm
Finns: 2 fix Softfinns
1 removable US-Box Center Finne

Fresh Wind with the Strato + Roundsail Packet

The latest addition to our sails is the “Roundsail”, which can be perfectly combined with SUPs like the Strato. It is optimal to use the wind for you while sailing.

SUP Riding with our Glide SUP & Allround Wing Combi

The F2 GLIDE ALLROUND WING offers completely new experiences and yet is an easy entry into already familiar (SUP) terrain. Lightweight, equipped with vision windows, intuitive to use and thanks to the three sizes it can be used for any weight and skill level. In addition, it can also be used in minimal wind, which makes the new F2 GLIDE ALLROUND the perfect family companion and should not be missing in any SUP equipment. Both optically and technically, our new GLIDE SUP fits perfectly with our new WINGS. In addition, the GLIDE SUP and all other models of this series are equipped with a windsurfing option, so that both “old windsurfers” and youngsters get their money’s worth and the Stand Up Paddle repertoire can be expanded.

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SUP Alps Trophy Insider Story

Its been a while we heard a story of some paddlers taking the wrong turn. In this case our paddler(s) managed to paddle 200m in the wrong direction and still end up on podium.

Thank you Gerd Weisener for this Insider Story:

Gerd is passionate SUP Racer, founder of the brand light corp and head of the SUP Alps Trophy. (This man is busy.) Foto ©ICF


The first SUP Alps Trophy tour stop, THE LAKE ROCKS at the beautiful location in Kärnten, Faaker See, has been a great success and many new faces from Slovenia, Hungary as well as some friends from Italy competed against the Austrian and German SUP racers.

The 2nd tour stop was hosted at lake Wolfgang in the beautiful town St. Gilgen and is as well a real SUP FESTIVAL – LEGEND OF OX – an iconic event. Besides many elite paddlers from Austria, Germany, Hungary, Slovenia we have been happy to see a huge participation from Czech Republic and Poland including some of their top youngsters and legends as well as international elite paddlers like Andrey Kraytor starting for Bulgaria, paddling against Ole Schwarz and Normen Weber.

Allow me tell you some insights of what happen from my perspective in the men’s pro longdistance race:

The SUP Alps Trophy Top Ten 2022 will be a hard catch. The number of participants and quality of paddlers is getting better and better each year. This race series will be the breeding ground for future top athletes in our territory as well as the largest gathering of SUP racing enthusiasts.

At the start line we saw former Olympians in canoe sports, hungry youngsters, national champions and proven masters that have won medals in the last ICF World Championships.

The race course has been like a large tech race with many buoys. Each round was around 3,4 km in a total of 3 rounds. Start line to the first buoy has been 550m and as expected the top paddlers  as Ole Schwarz, Normen Weber and Andrej Kraytor have been at the forefront with a new face that did impress quite a lot, Manuel Lauble.

Austrian champ Christian Taucher followed with Bransislav Sramek and Hermann Husslein not far behind. In the next pack there have been many paddlers including me and it has been a big mix of new and old faces. After the 4th buoy, rock´n roll started and the 2 leading paddlers Andrey and Ole took the wrong direction forgetting about one buoy and had to take 200m extra not to get disqualified. Normen Weber and Manuel Lauble did not make that mistake.

In the field behind it has been a new and occasionally happy circumstance to find a lucky draft from Ole and Andrey to split with their usual competitors. 

My favorite new paddler in this longdistance was Manuel Lauble. He was improving most this year as did my friend and dark horse Hermann Husslein who had a fall in front of me at the first buoy and did paddle hard to finish with a strong 6th place. The podium has been earned by a clever Normen Weber, a heavily improved Manuel and a superfast Ole in 3rd.

Funny story behind Oles’ wrong turn: At night we have had dinner with Ole, Normen, Hermann and Olaf Schwarz (father) and I asked: “Ole, why didn´t you hear your father scream when you turned the wrong direction?“ Simple answer, he was paddling with earbuds, paddling with the beat. No complain it works, he is fast but 3rd.



P.S Excited to hear your impressions about your race – doesn´t matter fighting for top ten or top 30… and what happened in the elite women’s field ?

SUP Alps Trophy LEGEND OF OX Longdistance

SUP Alps Trophy Ranking 2022 after the 2nd Tourstop

Next Tourstop SUPALOT 18.-19.06.2022

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Armie Armstrong: SUP Athlete turned foil entrepreneur

(From the print issue #20 summer 2021)

I’m not even sure where to start with Armie Armstrong. We’ve known each other for a relatively long time. Armie came to Maui often during the summer months when SUP was just about the hottest new trend. We first met when we were paddling the Maui2Molokai SUP race. We were on our way back from Molokai to Maui after my first M2M race eight years ago. I even had Armie on the cover that year. That was the 6th issue in the fall of 2014, that memorable SUP race where cover was shot would give us enough content for a story on its own. This was a time long before wings and foils. It was a time when the world revolved around downwind racing in Hawaii and big events like the Battle of the Paddle.

Armie and I met time and time again at different events. It was typical Armie when he wanted to compete with his foilboard at Molokai2Oahu in 2017. However, he was banned from doing so. The race officials were skeptical. I only know few people who bring more enthusiasm to something than Armie. The year after, however, the organizers could no longer ignore the trend and SUP foiling was allowed at M2O. Armie was there, of course, but didn’t finish very well. But that didn’t matter, because at that time it was mainly about the pioneering performance.

Armie was back on Maui in summer so we spent a day together. That’s when the idea was born to do an interview and introduce Armie a bit closer. For those who do not know his story we have an interview where we get to meet Armie and learn more about his amazing product.

Armie is always ready for action. Left: wing skate on Maui. Right: SUP Brand in 2015, too late for SUP and too early for foil.

Aloha, Armie! Really great to see you again. It’s been a while since we last saw each other. I think it was at the 2019 Gorge Paddle Challenge when you were exhibiting your foils. One memory however that has stuck with me in particular, though, is when you tried to cross the Ka’iwi Channel with a foil back at M2O 2017, but race officials prohibited it. As I recall, that was a prototype that looked like it was made in a garage. A lot has happened since then. Tell us the story.

Yes, that was one of my first foils. It was a “high aspect” foil and I wasn’t really good enough to control it. Nowadays this foil would probably win races, but back then it was too fast and too maneuverable for my skills.

How did you end up with a foil like that and after all your brand?

Answer on next page.

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Aloha Spirit Festival APP World Tour Qualification

Aloha Spirit Festival Kicks off the APP World Tour Qualification Series as Four Athletes join the 2022 Athlete Roster

lhabela, Brazil, Tuesday 15th March: Last weekend marked the first qualification event for the 2022 APP World Tour which awarded the top two men and women at the Aloha Spirit Festival a sought-after spot on the World Racing Tour.
Who would get these four coveted spots would be decided over two races: a 10km distance race and a short-form technical race on the beach, determining who has what it takes to compete against the best in the world on Tour.
After a weekend of highly competitive racing after two years of a dormant SUP scene in Brazil due to Covid-19, experienced APP athlete, David Leão, was first to secure the men’s spot with a 1st place across both disciplines. Joining him on the podium and eventually on Tour, was 3 X Brazilian Champion, Arthur Santacreu, who put on an excellent performance over the weekend.
On the women’s side, Pan-American SUP champion, Lena Guimarães, occupied the top spot across both events securing her a deserved spot on Tour. Roseli Novloski stood alongside her, who placed second in both the distance and technical races.
David, Arthur, Lena and Roseli all occupied the top two spots on the podium across both disciplines, making them irrefutably worthy of the spots on the Tour, whilst reinforcing that there is some incredible talent coming out of Brazil. 
The APP World Tour are incredibly excited to both welcome back David Leão and initiate the newcomers on tour and where better to do it than the first event of the year in Santa Monica, California where the campaign for the 2022 World Title will begin.

Vendée Gliss is Announced as the Official European Qualifier for the 2022 APP World Tour, taking place from the 14th – 15th May

Following on from the success of the first APP Regional Qualifier in South America, Europe will be the next step in the qualification process for aspiring APP Athletes, with the well respected and celebrated Vendée Gliss event being established as the Official European Qualifier for the 2022 APP World Tour Season.

Taking place from the 14th-15th May in St Jean de Monts in the beautiful ‘Vendée’ region of France, the Vendée Gliss has long been one of the go to races in Europe given the calibre of the conditions, athletes attending and local organization. This year will be no different, and as such will once again provide the perfect proving grounds for European qualification for the Tour.

As was the case in Brazil, the Top 2 Men and Top 2 Women overall across downwind / distance and technical races, and, that are not already qualified for the Tour, will earn their places for the 2022 Season to battle it out with the best of the best on the APP World Tour.

We look forward to the energy generated at the South American Qualifier transferring over to Europe as we continue to build up to the dramatic return of the APP World Tour this summer for what will be an incredible season of action ahead.

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ICF to partner with the Carolina Cup

This is an interesting piece of news we just discovered in the feed this morning: The ICF is partnering with the Carolina Cup… I instantly had some thought going trough my mind. Didn’t the Carolina Cup partner up with the APP just a few month ago? Wasn’t the C.C. traditionally a qualifier for the APP? (Could not find anything on the APP website right now about this.)

Partnering up with races is a common business model for organizations to sanction races. The EURO TOUR for example runs entirely on this model and the APP has partnered with numerous organizers in the past and present. We see this in Germany where local races are under the umbrella of the National Canoe Federation, or in Switzerland where the Surfing Association has partnered up with the Canoe Federation creating SUP Suisse. The only organization that has not done that, and they are kicking themselves probably for not doing this is the ISA.

Now the ICF is stepping in starting to sanction races across Europe namely the ICE Race in Switzerland and now the big coup is the Carolina Cup coming in April, as well as an event in Salzburg and Budapest.

I was going to write a whole lot more but then had to decide to rather speak it into a camera:


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This is the PR that just crossed the wire:

The International Canoe Federation is excited to announce it has teamed up with one of the biggest stand up paddle events on the planet as part of an incredibly busy 2022 SUP season.

The Carolina Cup on USA’s east coast attracts hundreds of paddlers every year, and this year will also double as an ICF ranking race for both technical and long distance courses as part of the ICF world series.

Under the memorandum of understanding, athletes competing in the Carolina Cup will have a chance to pre-qualify for the main draw of this year’s ICF world championships in Gdynia, Poland, avoiding the pre-event preliminary qualifications.

Carolina Cup race director Mark Schmidt said teaming up with the ICF was the perfect fit.

With the International Canoe Federation’s long established base in paddle sports, we look forward to being the first stop on the ICF point series that qualifies for their championships,” Schmidt said.

The Carolina Cup from April 30 – May 1 will kick off the ICF’s 2022 world ranking series. Athletes will then head to Thun, Switzerland, for the opening ICF world cup, followed by events in Prague, Salzburg and Budapest.

ICF SUP co-ordinator, Hoichan Kwon, said he was proud to have the Carolina Cup as part of the ICF SUP calendar.

We have an exciting event calendar lined up for this season, and now the Carolina Cup will take it to another level,” Kwon said.

Since 2015 the Carolina Cup has rightly been considered as one of the world’s premiere SUP events. It will attract many of the world’s best paddlers, so we re thrilled to be giving these athletes an opportunity to book their tickets to our world championships.”

The SUP world cup planned for Moscow has been cancelled, but Kwon is confident a replacement location will be announced soon.

Board rental and transport services will be available at all European events.